Hi I’m looking for someone to teach my 13-year-old how to roller skate. She’s a beginner and really keen to learn! Does anyone know anyone? Could even be a student who skates and fancies earning some extra cash!
Roller skating lessons?

Look up Isle of Skating. They used to run lessons in Dulwich Park. They don’t seem to do that anymore but some of their coaches live locally so might be willing to run one-to-one or small group lessons.


Quite a few years ago, my friend used to join loosely organised roller skaing meetups (well he had roller blades but I think either were fine).
I think it may have been this one:
I wonder if you don’t get any luck if it’s worth contacting them and / or maybe turning up one Sunday early by the meet-up place to practice - I suspect someone would probably offer some tips as all these sorts of things tend to be very friendly (though expect she might not be able to join the ‘stroll’ until a bit more confident, but could then practice in the park?
Anyway, just an idea!

Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to reply. Will check it out