Hello, I’m new… I would like to give to my brother a subscription to the gym.
Do you know if exist a boxing gym (for beginners to) in Forest Hill
or in Honor oak, please?
Thank you very much.
Any boxing gyms in SE23?

Well there is an Honor Oak boxing club but have never been. It is more like Catford I would say though:

Energie in FH do boxercise classes.
And Twist Studios on Dartmouth Road do boxercise & kick boxing classes.

Thank you very much!

Double Jab used to be in the old gym on St. David’s Road. Trainers from there have gone to Honor Oaks in Catford and Double Jab up by Deptford green. Personally, I can’t stand boxercise in fitness gyms. 99% of the PT’s don’t have a clue. There’s nothing like getting a workout at a boxing club.

Thank you very much Ross, I didn’t know that.
I write to Double Jab. Do you know if is the nearest boxing club to Forest hill/ Honor oak?
Thanks, Serena

DJ is the easiest to get to with public transport. Train to New X Gate then a 5/10 minute walk. If you drive then Honor Oaks is worth a shout.

Ok, thank you!

I’ve been looking for a boxing gym for ages and just came across this thread, thanks for the pointers.
I found the proper website for the one on Elm street: http://honoroakabc.weebly.com/
I’ll give it a go and pass on my feeback.

Thank you very much