So does that leave us with just the one outside Sainsbury’s as the only free 24 hour cash machine in the centre of Forest Hill?
Cash machines in Forest Hill

You can withdraw cash from the WH Smith’s Post Office counter during office hours, but you might need to set aside 20 minutes for the queue.

Thanks but I try to avoid the Post Office in WH Smith’s at all costs because of the queues!

You can get cash back at Sainsbury’s & coop but only in opening hours. The garage by fire station has a cash point & so does the horniman petrol station.
Are they likely to reinstall an ATM at station, after alterations? It’s always been handy to use, locally or for commuters.

The cash machines at the station are well used, I had to grab some cash from there a few weeks back when the ticket machine wouldn’t accept my card. I don’t fancy having to walk up to Sainsbury’s and back for cash considering the awful traffic lights and island by WHSmith.
There is another free cash point at Forest Hill News, 67 Dartmouth Road.

There’s one by Morley’s as well, but personally I never withdraw cash.

You might be right but I’m not sure it’s free.

It wasn’t free a year ago.

There is a free to use cash machine inside Three Kings Food and Wine at 97 Dartmouth Road (opposite the pools)

Can’t withdraw from my Nationwide account in the Post Office though
Even if I could, that would be the last place I would use due to the massive queues

Oh, I checked the PO website earlier and it seems you can NOW draw cash from Nationwide but not able to pay in anything. So, good news to withdraw ,(when desperate and not too long a queue!) but still useless on the deposit side for Nationwide customers

Sign on the machine this morning suggests new ones are coming soon.

Two new machines in place this morning but it looked from a distance as though at least one wasn’t yet activated. Not sure if they’re still free but I assume they’ve just been modernised.

Morley’s now take card

Both are switched off with the sign about new ATMs coming soon on the right cashpoint.
It appears London Overground have changed provider to Note Machine, the previous provider was Cashzone. I’d assume they’ll be free to use as the previous ones were.

We’ve tried on two occasions over the past week and they’ve both been out of action each time. Really underwhelming for an area with no banks and where most other ATMs (excepting the one outside FH Sainsburys) charge you for drawing out your money.

Such a lovely, warm welcome from ‘Bank Machine’.

‘Free to Use’ is welcome enough for us!

Who is ree alan?