I have started to use this chemist for my monthly prescriptions. They are very slow to prepare the prescription once they have received it from the doctors surgery. They in form you not to come to pick up until you receive a text. I very rarely receive this and have to go to the shop after 10 days
What are other people’s experiences with this chemist?
Boots the chemist Dartmouth Road

Perfucare Pharmacy in Upper Sydenham are the best I’ve ever used. Prescriptions are ready for collection two days after your request and they are open until 5 o’clock on Saturdays.

I have to agree, unfortunately. I did receive texts, and I’d leave it a couple of days before collection, but even then I wouldn’t be getting all the meds I was expecting, so I’d have to go back again a few days later to pick up the rest. And when the prescriptions queue is busy (which it usually is), you’re looking at a 20-30-minute wait. I’ve switched to postal delivery from another pharmacy now. I’ve heard Perfucare is good, but it’s not always easy/convenient for me to get to.

They are a nightmare. The last time I used them they gave the wrong dosage. The doctor prescribed 20 mg and they gave me 40mg. I have since changed to the chemist on Perry Vale which has been a great experience

I walked out of my doctor’s surgery, crossed the road and the prescription was already made up and waiting for me.
It can be done!

I was having the same issues at Boots, Dartmouth Rd. I managed to get my GP to change my repeat prescription so I now get a two month supply each time and I reorder it 2 weeks before I need it to allow time for Boots to get it ready. Most of the time I do receive texts to advise when the prescriptions are ready but I don’t know why it takes them so long as there usually seems to be 3 pharmacists there!

Try pharamcy 2 u. It’s an online pharmacy, very efficient and post prescriptions.

I’ve found Pharmacy2U to be great - no problems getting hold of less common prescriptions and things generally come pretty quickly. The only challenge I had was the lack of postal deliveries in Forest Hill in the period around Christmas- when one urgent prescription took about 3 weeks to arrive, otherwise they’ve been a lot less hassle.

I use them. The onky time they f*cked up was when a prescription was delayed which i needed before travel. They called my GP, got a new scrip then arranged for it to be available at a local chemist same day.