Lost bird (it’s Jester from London Zoo)

Wow! Was this locally or in your garden??

Looks like a fit turkey. What is it?

Crested Caracara

Brilliant the way she’s strutting.

a mini-break in SE23 - what’s not to like?

Is it a mini-break or a sabbatical is the question!? I suspect Jester is going to the latter!
Have updated! A definite star!

zoo staff were in the park again this afternoon, saying that she appears to be in good health. They are waiting on some special equipment to catch her and that could be a few days away yet. Wherever she goes they aim to check on her daily.
Because some people apparently have been, they ask that people please do not feed her…

The BBC have a pic of Mayow Park in their report from earlier today.

In case you missed it, Jester is safely back in the zoo: link to Tweet from London Zoo