I’ve found my dads slide projector up in the loft & slide magazine up in the loft.
Both were greatly enjoyed by my parents when alive, showing us slides on a screen of the grandchildren.
I’ve kept them both for 20 years, but now feel it’s time to let them go.
I don’t want to give or sell them to someone who will try & sell them on, so if there are any collectors out there interested, I can post photos, please message me.
Thank you!
Slide projector

My mother would possibly be interested! She has a lot of old slides from her father which she was planning to scan at some point but it would be lovely to view on a screen also. What would you be asking for it?
Many thanks,

Hi Gill
I might be interested. My parents have a lot of slides, and they just moved and as part of the move we found out the projectors they have don’t seem to work anymore (they seem to have turned into heaters instead…).
If you don’t agree anything with Rebecca I’d be interested, will PM you.

Hi Oakr & Rebecca,
Thank you both for your interest, I didn’t think anybody would be this interested! It wasn’t an easy choice, but
Clausy is the lucky recipient (as I hope his children will be able to make good use of it also).
I’m so glad it is going to be used again.
If Clausy doesn’t want the magazine slide round, maybe one of you would like it? Thanks Gill

Hi Gill,
Glad it’s gone to a good home, I don’t need the magazine slide round but hope you find a taker:)

No worries @GillB thanks for offering it in the first place. Hope @clausy and family enjoy it, it’s a really nice way to look at old images

Clausy is going to take it as well.

Yes it is. My dad had a big screen that he used to put up.
When my dad died a couple of years after we moved here, I took the projector (out of sentimental value) & the slides (a lot of which I have had converted to photos, but I didn’t want the screen & the table etc…as we already had loads of the kids stuff & ours up in the loft, & couldn’t see us using it.
I’m sure screens are a lot more up to date now & more compact.
Perhaps Clausy will let you borrow it

Of course!
BTW this reminds me we were talking about a ‘library of things’ for SE23…

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