I’m not part of this special interest category, but I thought those who are might be interested in this:
Apologies if there is already an active discussions in progress relating to this.
Cycling / Walking Masterplan

No need to apologise Michael
I was going to post something about this, initially bristling at the thought of the Forest Hil and Sydenham Societies, and SEE3, being that well informed about the needs of cyclists. However, it’s not just cyclists we should be thinking about, and Googling Brendan Cuddihy, who I’m now following on Twitter, I’d say you have someone who knows what he is talking about.
It would be great to hear from him on the Forum about what he is thinking, and I hope at some point to make my own contribution.
One immediate thought, which I have discussed with @finches, is that a local cycle shop with the sort of community focus of SE20 Cycles in Penge would be fantastic - but that does very much depend on finding the key person, as they have there in Winnie

FH Soc executive has many cyclists, and others on the executive are supportive of cyclists and of walking in the local area. But all of us are aware that we need to get views from cyclists, and potential cyclists, (possibly even other road users) in the local area.

Glad I have the @TimLund seal of approval!
Whilst I would like to think I have a good deal of knowledge regarding cycling (and walking) as a mode for transport, I don’t claim to be an expert. As we move through the course of developing the cycling and walking masterplan we will need to draw on both the expertise of planners and designers across Forest Hill and Sydenham, and the everyday experience of everyone who lives here. Without the former, we will fail to deliver the quality, without the latter, we will fail to deliver what the community actually wants to enable them to walk and cycle more of their journeys. I hope that makes sense.
The other thing to note is that this isn’t really aimed at people who currently cycle. We already accept a certain amount of risk on the roads and get out there on our bikes nonetheless. There are a great many people who would like to cycle (over 60% of the population according to some studies), whether it be to the shops, to school or to work, but they currently do not choose to get on a bike because they feel that the roads are too dangerous. The cycling element of the masterplan is about enabling these people to cycle. I’m sure this would of course benefit those of us who already cycle too, but the aim is to make everyone feel they can happily cycle around Forest Hill and Sydenham.

It’s because you work for Arup, so can be presumed to have a proper professional background. @Michael will be able to fill you in on why those local groups don’t necessarily command immediate respect when it comes to cycling.
However, you will have noted that I also said it wasn’t just cyclists we should be thinking about, which is why this discussion should be visible to all.
Your point about those who might want to cycle is good too - thinking about modal shift, rather than just addressing the demands of existing modal share. It would be interesting to know how much migration to cycling you think would be from walking, busses and cars.
I do appreciate that you will want to keep the discussion focused on what can be achieved locally in the foreseeable future, but the wider issues of how modal transport choice interacts with development, density and economics is a matter of huge significance, but which will probably only be allowed in the politicos section.

If there are no objections, I’ll move the above messages into a new dedicated topic called “Cycling / Walking Masterplan” (starting with Michael’s post). Can put this in “Fitness / Health” or “Streetscape” if you prefer (both publicly visible).
Regarding politicos - I’ll do my best to avoid politicising the topic! (best I stay out of it)

Streetscape would probably be best thanks, @Chris_Mod. Although public health benefits are a likely outcome, this is about cycling as a mode of transport not cycling specifically for fitness/leisure/sport.

@TimLund I was merely bemused at having been vetted using Google - not something I’ve been aware of before.
Great to see you’re hot on topics of modal shift, development, density, etc. I’m sure these will be the subject of much discussion as we progress the masterplan.

Exactly. Its quite an efficent mode of transport too, and you get from where you live to almost exactly where you want to go without having to find a park.
The problem that we have as a family is that we never go to Forest Hill by bike because of the existing infrastructure, and instead go to Brockley, Greenwich or anywhere on cycle route 21 where we can easily get over/under the A205.