I’m surprised no-one else has mentioned this on here yet. I was in Honor Oak Sainsbury with my daughter this morning when two men barged into the cash machine cubicle as it was being emptied by the security guards. We didn’t know if they had weapons so moved to the back and called the police.
They managed to take the money and drove off in a white van.
If you saw the van and can give a description, please contact the police.
Nasty experience for everyone, especially the security guards.
Robbery in Honor Oak Sainsbury this morning

That’s awful, Jon. Must have been traumatic, especially for your daughter. I hope no one was hurt, and that the perpetrators are quickly found.

Don’t bank on it!
Three blokes snatched a cash box from security guards near Sainsburys in Beckenham about 4 years ago and I chased them up the road whilst giving a ‘running’ commentary to 999 - describing the robbers and the car they got into and its registration number. I then waited to talk to CID when they arrived to give them a quick statement referring to the phone call and I also pointed out a few CCTV cameras that might’ve provided some good evidence.
Six months later a CID officer turned up at my house to say he understood that I witnessed a robbery and asked if I could I remember anything about it. I told him that it had got a bit vague but I was sure that their recording of the 999 call would tell them everything - to which he replied that he wasn’t aware of my call to 999. I was gobsmacked at their incompetence and told him that if they couldn’t find a record of my call or my brief statement at the scene not to bother contacting me again to waste any more of my time. That was that.

Likely @ForestHillSNT will be interested to hear from witnesses too.

The police took statements at the time. Once I realised what was going on I moved quickly to the back of the shop. All I saw was the backs of the two robbers, and as they had hoodies on I didn’t see any features. Hopefully some got a better look.

Hope your daughter is okay Jon

Bloody shocking Mr!!!
Good on you for giving a chase

Thanks Pauline. She’s ok, but was a little shaken. Wrote it all down for her school homework, which was ‘write a news report’!

So glad she’s okay, and glad to hear that too…
Please tell her a bag of sweets on me to make her feel better, no kid should have to witness that

Thank you! Very thoughtful.

Not thoughtful at all, I just like to look out for the kids
So see you soon.

Yes, I spoke to a guy in Sainsbury about it the day after. Apparently the vehicle they drove off in was stolen and was found later. Also they got away with £1,500. Seems there were no weapons involved.

Thanks. It’s actually good to know there were no weapons.
Wonder what they do with the money box though? I’ve heard they have tracking devices and all sorts of money-spoiling gadgets in them.