I live on one of the streets close to HOP station. Understandably, parking can be tough during the week thanks to the influx of commuters, but in the past month it seems to have got much worse. This morning I noticed my car has been wedged in by two others. If I need it today, I’m stuck - quite literally. I realise controlled parking zones are also a pain but I wondered what might have to be done to enforce parking restrictions between 12-2pm Monday to Friday to put off the pesky commuters. Any ideas and anyone else feeling my pain?
Parking pain in HOP

Thankfully I am blessed with off road parking, but the street itself does suffer from selfish parkers. People from surrounding streets who park in two spaces, then leave them there for weeks. Commuters who just abandon their cars anywhere they fancy. A little consideration goes a long way. But alas hey have none.
Sorry you are in such a predicament, hope you manage to get your car out.

Residents were asked a couple of years ago what restrictions would be preferable, and as far as I can remember the no parking between 12 -2pm was the favoured option. Nothing has happened since then and yes, it has got worse lately.

Thanks for the sympathy @anon64893700, the car is now free!
@RachelJones Now you mention it I remember that survey too. Shame nothing came of it. I may invest in a set of cones…

Phew glad to hear it @AgentBlonde

When I was walking to the station the other day I saw a smart car parked perpendicularly (is that a word?!) so its bumper was against the kerb. Obviously it meant two cars couldn’t fit down at once so was causing chaos. Some wag had left an amusing note - hopefully it did the trick.

This is what cameraphones and forums were invented for … don’t forget – next time!

Smart car drivers! Pfft

There’s also the rise in numbers of those enormous 4x4s which are apparently necessary for getting around Se23!! There are 6 in Ebsworth street alone and 3 of them arent able to park properly, thus limiting parking for other cars.

@Cari_Hoskins I sometimes feel the bigger the car, the more selfish the driver. (Sweeping generalisation alert!)

Agreed, or is it the other way around? Selfish drivers tending to buy the most selfish cars!

I know that there’s this thing about people wanting to have a car that can keep their families safe but we (3 teenagers and 2 adults) used to travel from Honor Oak to Penzance in a 1973 Mini 1000 for our summer holidays and none of us got killed once! And it was in the days before rear seatbelts!! (It was a bit of a squash though)

I live on tatnell road which is 2 roads down from honor oak park main parade and I have found in the last few months it being increasingly harder to park on my road if I come home before 5pm which is so fustrating. But what’s also fustrating is that if I permit parking comes in I will have to pay a yearly fee to park outside my own house.

I think more people are driving over from East Dulwich due to the hideousness of southern trains from their station. Seen 2 people from work who live in se22 parking on my street this week.