Good Gym

Good Gym helped us with tree planting on Blythe Hill Fields this year as well. A brilliant idea and lovely people.

Interesting - your Friends group have just taken some bird box flat pack we had surplus to requirements. Thanks for that!

I go along to good gym- it’s brilliant! You don’t have to go every week. There is one that meets in Lewisham on a Monday night. There is also a Southwark one that meets in Peckham (I think that is on a Wednesday). You don’t need to be particularly fit to join up- I would really recommend it!

Yes - I might well go along some time.
Looking on their website I see this
GoodGym Lewisham pairs members with isolated older people. The older person becomes your coach and keeps you motivated to keep running, in exchange you bring them a newspaper and have a chat.
I’m currently spending a fair bit of time - with other family - helping my 90 year old Dad, and it struck me just how isolated and dis-orientating life must be when you’re no longer able to manage on your own, especially with so many things depending on new technologies
I worry though that I may be a bit too competitive - I want to get my time for 5k down to 20 minutes, so am looking for a club which will push me towards that goal!