Look what I found

That’s very weird!
I’m sure none of the team from here would have put that up & @anon5422159 isn’t even in this country at the moment.
If anyone passes could they take this down please.

Have seen these knocking around on lamp posts and community boards for a few months as well

If anyone finds one of these, could they be very kind and take it down? Or let the team here know where it is. Posters were put up when the forum was started, but taken down immediately after when it was pointed out that it constituted flyposting. I wonder if these were missed? If they have suddenly appeared, that’s a bit peculiar.

The one in our FH traders map directory/community board at FH station is supposed to be there & I put it in.
Also following on from what @RachaelDunlop has said myself @anon5422159 & @anon64893700 self reported ourselves at the time when it was pointed out that by putting up posters it may be classed as flyposting.

That does seem very odd as all were removed the day after they were put up. That seems quite new.

It is on Perry Vale. Right hand side as you walk up to the FOH entrance.

The original Forest Hill posters (put up and taken down within 24hrs), had different wording, I think - Forest Hill came before Honor Oak. So this looks like one of the four posters originally put up in Honor Oak (not Perry Vale). Odd.
@Starman, can you remember if this poster was attached with string? (I used white string for the posters that I put up).

There’s one on Ballina St, I think. I’ll remove it the next time I am passing.

I’m going to be passing near FH station this afternoon. I’ll see if it’s still there and bring it in as ‘evidence’.

I’ve taken it down now.

Sorry. No.

Wow. When I posted this picture I had no idea the furore this would start. How exciting.

Forget “Return of th Mack”
I think this might be “Return of #TOSS”
We shall see…,

I picked up the poster yesterday, @Pauline. It’s almost certainly one of our originals and had been there a long time. The white string had practically melded with the lamp post with dirt. Nothing sinister!