Hi SE23.life, I have noticed the lovely new Christmas lights in Honor Oak,
Crofton Park, Nunhead, Brockely etc. So I went to check out the lights in Forest
Hill and was appalled by the dismal apology for festive lighting, a string of bulbs
around the lamp post. The worst in South London. Puts Forest Hill is a very poor
light. Does anyone knows who’s responsible so I can complain to them.
Christmas lights!

Lewisham gave the contract for the Christmas lights for Forest Hill and Sydenham (among other areas) to Skanska when the new street lights went in. They neglected to include provision for any new lights in the contract. I discovered this from the local councillors in Sydenham when I asked the same question about the lights there. I’m sure our local councillors can confirm if this is the case for Forest Hill too.

Thanks for the info, I will contact Skanska and let them know
what I think of their lights.

I haven’t seen the lights in the other areas but to be honest I quite like the simplistic wrapped around lights and not those kitsch multicoloured moving once, of course there are better options but rather have the money for the lights go somewhere else plus there is always a great big Christmas tree at the station

Skanska are yes indeed responsible for Street lighting in FH, personality I don’t mind the simple white lights on D Rd.
Please bare with us on Christmas events though guys as we are trying to put a last minute but spectacular programme together for the library and others have events planned too.
I’ll post these when all are confirmed in another post
ETA Just a thought, but would anyone want to donate decorations for a library tree

If I remember from last year, the Dartmouth Road lights are rather nice LED ones, simple but effective. Is that right? Can’t remember what the ones on London Road are like, except I do remember some of them not working last year.
The lampost wraps in Sydenham are truly woeful in comparison.

Halloween has just finished. Its not bonfire night yet. In fact its barely November let alone December. Why would we have Christmas lights up and on now?

I’m with Starman - surely the lights aren’t due to go up for a few weeks yet?

They’re not on yet, are they? Just being installed. I’d assume the teams have to cover a large area.

Oh. How can anyone assess then how good or bad they are?

They are pretty white lights usually on D Rd

It’s true, not all wrap lights are dull and boring. Perhaps @islay should hold fire until they are turned on!

Brilliant Caz, thank you xx

The FH lights have been poor for a good few years.

I quite like the LED lights on D Rd

They do.

Depends on the cat, I suppose. When mine were kittens they would shimmy up the tree and burrow in, leaving their tails hanging out like furry tinsel.
I’m more anxious about the dog this year. Fourteen months old and full of puppy vigour. I fear his tail and my glass ornaments will NOT be friends.
When are you putting the library tree up, @Pauline? I have some spare decs but won’t be getting them down from the loft until mid-December.

We’ve not set a date yet Rachael, but regardless we can always add to it if you have any spare.
Thanks so much xx

A nice puppy, on the other hand,…

The Christmas lights have not been switched on in FH yet @islay They have just started to put them in place this evening!
The lamppost outside my shop has had the lovely (in my opinion) LED lights added, the same as last years which I quite like.

Thank you @Cazimo for dropping off the lovely decorations for the library today xxx

Shannons & SE23 Cabs are donating trees, so decorating them this Thursday 1st Dec after Food Assembly & when the library closes at 7.30pm if you’re still up for it Caz xx
If anyone else wants to help let me know - and if anyone else has any spare decorations, lights etc feel free to send them my way

Cool see you then xx
If the main doors are closed (will be locked at 7.30pm) when you get there ring the bell at the side entrance so I can let you in

I’ll bring some sweeties

This one was donated by “SE23 Cabs” and the one we’re doing tomorrow is donated by Shannons
Was lovely to chat to Dave the cleaner too, who told us in 21 years this is the first ever real Christmas tree that has been in the main library & NO Christmas tree in the kids library in 21 years.
So I’m really looking forward to doing this for the local kids tomorrow.
Massive thanks @Cazimo for helping out with this & see ya again tomorrow xx

It looks excellent. Top job, can’t wait to see it in the morning.

Here’s the latest from the FH Christmas fairies AKA me & the lovely @Cazimo She has been a diamond helping me decorating the library & our lovely cleaner Dave has been cleaning up after us even though we offered
Here’s my Christmas wall
And here’s Caz’s tree with space left on the tree for the kids to add their Christmas thoughts on tags to the tree.
What another lovely evening with a lovely person that’s Caz O

X[quote=“Pauline, post:33, topic:2281”]
this is the first ever real Christmas tree that has been in the main library & NO Christmas tree in the kids library in 21 years.
Outrageous! Was that because of a lack of money? Or elf & safety gone mad?