Archived on 6/5/2022

Honor Oak WI - November Meeting

4 Nov '16

Our next meeting is Monday, 7th November, 8pm at St. Saviour’s Church hall, Brockley Rise, SE23 1JN.

We are really pleased to be welcoming Robert Finlayson who will be talking to us about hypnotherapy and mindfulness. You can read more about Robert and his practice on his website.

Enjoy the fireworks this weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!

4 Nov '16

Is the WI only open to women?

4 Nov '16

Hi Starman,

Yes, only women can join the WI. Charitable organisations whose constitution specifies single sex membership are legally entitled to restrict access to the opposite sex and so our regular monthly meetings are women only.

However we often hold events where friends, partners and relatives of the opposite sex are welcome! And men are able to attend courses at the WI’s residential adult education centre, Denman College, and get involved with WI campaigns. Also if you have an interesting story to tell or talent to share let us know and we can invite you along as a speaker!

I hope that helps.

4 Nov '16

Thanks. I wasn’t sure given the Equalities Act what the position was these days. I guess it is why some sports club which operate under charitable status can retain men-only environment.

I’m just jealous of some of the regular work and projects the WI undertakes. Would love to participate. Shame.