Finally, we can get Deliveroo deliveries in SE23. So far only Barbur and the Perryvale. Planning to order from the latter tomorrow night.
Deliveroo has arrived!

I think depending on where you are, you can also get one of the pizzas from The Chandos as well.

We can get all the East Dulwich ones here the other side of the railway in HOP. Flying pig burgers mmM

Pfft. I’m on the Perry Vale side of Forest Hill, almost Sydenham. We can get NOTHING from East Dulwich.
I’m hoping the Perry Vale sink hole doesn’t swallow up the eponymous bistro before I order my dinner tomorrow.

The Chandos has just appeared on my Deliveroo page. It didn’t show up earlier as it doesn’t offer pre-order. I guess the restaurants only appear on the page when they are able to take orders. I’ll keep an eye on it and see what else pops up!

Woo freaking Hoo!
Cant’ wait though in truth Babur already delivered through their own service.

Does the Barbur delivery still come from its takeaway off-shoot rather than the restaurant? I remember hearing it wasn’t as good as the main restaurant.

There are two choices. A regular style Indian (though very good) Indian takeaway. And the restaurant menu which is outstanding IMHO.

I was in the Chandos last night and there were quite a few deliveroo drivers coming and going - still got my pizza within good time though!

One of the ways Deliveroo differs from regular delivery services is that if the restaurant is busy, they don’t take Deliveroo orders. So the core business shouldn’t suffer. And you can pre-order with some so your order gets scheduled into the regular service.

I’m not sure but the restaurant food we always found better than the takeaway - but that’s also maybe as I collect (as tge restaurant does takeaway but collection only) so it’s not sat around waiting to be delivered I suppose.
That said the last time we did order from the takeaway place it was very good - but again I collected as opposed to having it delivered.
I think both are always good, the restaurant is just often very very good but never had a bad takeaway from the crofton park babur delivery place

The restaurant also delivers and from their full menu. Always good and always arrive hot. Though I wonder if they will still use their only delivery guys. They’re always so friendly.
We’re babysitting for friends tonight in Streatham. So many Deliveroo choices.

Great news. Fairly limited options from Codrington Hill at the moment but I’m sure it’ll get better soon.

I just tried to create an account but it doesn’t seem to cover Lowther Hill yet. How strange!

You can only create an account when you place an order.

A Deliveroo scooter roars past our house throughout the evening and night. It is obscenely loud and has even woken us up. I don’t know if he’s taken the muffler thing of or what, but it’s ridiculous. Others must have noticed it. We’ve also seen him drive along the pavement outside the house.
So so far, I think Deliveroo being here is an annoyance!

That does sound annoying. Which road are you on? Are you on the route to and from one of the restaurants on Deliveroo? I suppose you could complain to Deliveroo about it.

We have the same Deliveroo scooter going past our house. I think it is picking up from Babur. It is incredibly loud and goes too fast and he went up along the pavement this evening. We have just reported it to Deliveroo via their website.

Try to get the number plate and report it to the local SNT.

I’m so glad someone has reported that idiotic Deliveroo driver. I have seen him ride on the pavements and tailgate cars at speed on the main high street. I was going to do it myself but couldn’t get his plate number in time

Yes, us too - we live near Babur so it could be that. Fingers crossed they
can do something about it!

Deliveroo responded straight away to our email and asked for specific details of the times we’d heard the bike - which we gave them. They were incredibly apologetic and said it was totally unacceptable behaviour from one of their drivers. We haven’t been able to get his number plate as it is usually dark and he goes too fast but they said they will be able to identify which bike it is from the road name and timings. So let’s see if they actually do something about it!

We had a strange experience with Deliveroo and the Perry Vale last week. The Deliveroo order came in good time, but was missing two items which we had paid for. We first called the Perry Vale (PV) who directed us to Deliveroo as PV could not order another driver themselves. Understandable. However this is where it got strange.
The two items which were not delivered came to just below the £10 threshold. So Deliveroo insisted we ordered more. While my partner was on the phone trying to get Deliveroo to see how ridiculous this was I was on the phone to the PV who said they were on the phone to Deliveroo to sort this out. In the end I think PV had to swallow the delivery cost, perhaps rightly as they would have forgotten to send the missing items.
While on the phone to PV I also complained about the ‘Green Monstah’ burger I did receive as nowhere on the ordering site did it suggest this was a vegetarian burger, or one with a lot of chili in it. They replaced the veggie with a beef one which was excellent. The chips also had arrived steaming hot and crisp.
So this was all kind of PV’s fault… and they did a great job of sorting it out… but I could not believe how terrible Deliveroo’s customer service was.

Also… having tried a number of the options now available to me, I think some restaurants really need to rethink their menus. What is wonderful delivered fresh from the kitchen a few meters away quite often does not arrive in quite the same condition.

We were bombed by the Deliveroo rider last night. Bloody hell that ped is loud. Hopefully they dont go for their full license and get a Harley with open pipes.

Ha, yes, the Green Monstah burger. It doesn’t say on the restaurant menu that it’s veggie either. My husband ordered it with added bacon.

Hmmm… I’m not sure this problem has been solved. I collected my child from a nursery in Honor Oak this evening and heard one of their drivers revving his way up the street, which I had just crossed with my child, at speed. I did something I never normally do and got my phone out to take a video… as I did I heard three high pitch peeps, which I couldn’t place. The kid on the bike must have heard them too and stopped and turned to me before aggressively questioning me about why I had my phone out. I told him that he was making a hell of noise and that he’d previously woken my son up by racing down the road. He said he slept in a house on this road too and that it wasn’t a problem for him. He asked again why I had my phone out and I said that I was going to record his numberplate. He said he didn’t have one anyway… and then sped off (and, of course, he did have a numberplate).
It’s one thing to be aggressive to me - I’m naive enough to get my phone out, I face the consequences for my own actions - but to do this in front of my child is bad and to be speeding around and showing off on motorbike/moped outside a nursery is dangerous. I rang Deliveroo and told them this and they were quite polite and accepted that this was not acceptable but initially told me that since I couldn’t get his numberplate I should call the police and have them investigate. I said this was ridiculous; firstly, he had given me his approximate address, so it should be fairly straightforward to trace him, and secondly the drivers wear Deliveroo branded gear (regardless of whether they are self-employed or not), so it’s Deliveroo’s reputation that takes a hit in an incident like this.
Ultimately they agreed and are now investigating further with the details I provided. I’ve also left a message with the SNT to let them know about this.

Sounds like we should stop using Deliveroo

Well done for doing this, I’m sure @ForestHillSNT appreciate your report
ETA Sure won’t use deliveroo after all the bad reports I’ve heard!

Was it on or near Firs close? I saw a Deliveroo driver speeding down there too - remembered as it seemed a bit odd as it was mid afternoon but I guess the Honor Oak delivers now so could’ve been from there.

Anyone had any issues with an orange bike by any chance? Not sure if it’s the main culprit but it came past as I was walking home and I managed to get the bike and noise on video. The rider parked his bike in the middle of the round and got off to get shirty with me but he rode on in the end.

I heard/saw the Babur driver tonight - driving what looked like an illegally modified bike - wow, super-noisy. Hope that Deliveroo sort it out, I think it’s anti-social behaviour.

Looks like a string of incidents possibly the same driver. Here’s my exchange with deliveroo after an incident with a driver going through a no through road by honor oak park station and getting shirty
'Thank you for bringing this incident to our attention. I am sorry that you’ve had to endure such behaviour.
Deliveroo takes the safety of our customers and the public as our most important consideration. We expect the highest levels of professionalism and service from all our rider partners, including adhering to the Highway Code at all times.
I apologise unreservedly for any distress caused to you that may have arisen from this situation. It is clear that the standards we expect were not met on this occasion and this is, in no uncertain terms, completely unacceptable.
I have recorded your feedback for our Rider Operations team who will work with our rider partners to follow up this matter. Our Rider Operations team will ensure that we take the appropriate steps to prevent, as far as practicable, any reoccurrence of these issues in the future.
Should there be anything else I may be of assistance, please feel free to reach out. Please be advised that you can also contact us through Live Chat or give us a call through +44 203 322 3444.
Kind Regards,
Customer Support
Feb 1, 03:04 GMT
Dear Sir/ Madam
I am writing regarding an incident with one of your drivers yesterday 31st January in se23 1dy. He was collecting we think from mamma dough pizza in se23 1dy about 520 to 530pm.
He proceeded to drive out a no exit road which is clearly marked no mopeds or cars. Myself my partner and 4 year old son were crossing at this point. We pointed out to him that it was a no through road and the dangers of driving a moped particularly where young children cross as my son was doing at the time.
He said we had no right to tell him what to do and basically implied that he was above the rules of the road. We asked him how he would feel should his child be knocked over by a moped in such a situation. He said he knew what he would do which implied to me violence. He then drove off revving his engine excessively.
Basically his behaviour was very poor and I think as a company you should be aware of it and address it with the individual concerned. He is a young white male I would say in early twenties with gingerish hair and i presume you could identify him due to the time of the pick up.
We have spoken with mamma dough but could you remind all your drivers about going driving out no through roads. We will also be taking this up with the council.’

Deliveroo have had loads of complaints about that rider, he is still riding. Twitter is your best bet along with the registration.

I have now emailed Deliveroo about 3 or 4 times about this particular driver / bike. Although initially very helpful their last email basically said there was nothing they could do about it. Although I had sent through very specific times that he has been past so it must be easy for them to identify who it is. I have never been able to get his registration number as it is always dark when he goes past our window at high speed. I was thinking of talking to some of the places he is picking up from (Babur, Chandos and Mamma Dough) to see if they can help at all? I think it is great that Deliveroo are in this area. My issue is with this one driver and the noise / speed of his bike.

Am starting to get annoyed with this rider too. Getting his registration, even in daylight, is not going to be easy as he always passes at speed. Very noisy.

There is a Deliveroo driver resident on our street. I could post his reg # to help concerned see if this is the guy/girl? Not sure I should in a public forum though.

Only if you are 100% sure that this is the rider with the loud exhaust. IF you are Twitter to Deliveroo with a follow up email to customer services. If no joy then name and shame and gather the pitchforks and flaming torches!

Codrington Hill?

Sunderland Rd

Have just met this rider in person. Wow, what an aggressive young man. Actually seems to enjoy being a nuisance.

Did you get the registration?

No sadly not. Had asked him on passing to slow down. He parked his bike up the road. PM if you want more detail.

We just need the registration to make Deliveroo take note. So far their response seems to have been “that’s terrible but we cant do anything without the registration”.

I hear that but am getting a more positive response via their web chat bot - they are going to escalate apparently. Let’s see.
In the meantime, the last thing I am going to do is order via Deliveroo. Imagine if he delivered it!