Does anyone know how to access Perry Vale car park while the sink hole repairs are going on? Is traffic passing along Waldram Crescent and past the subway? I couldn’t access the car park tonight from the Perry Vale side without passing through the barriers. Which was tempting with an empty road, but I didn’t! I need to use the car park tomorrow.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Access to Perry Vale Car Park?

7 Nov '16

7 Nov '16
I think the reason the barrier has an opening is to allow access to the car park and the side street. I saw drivers interpreting that way.

8 Nov '16
I did wonder about that, but there’s no ‘access only’ sign.

8 Nov '16
@RachaelDunlop The access is to, well, give you access. Just not a thoroughfare.

8 Nov '16
Thanks. I haven’t been around past that point, so didn’t know if traffic was still coming up Waldram Crescent and the access was to let them through in a one-way system. It was late last night when I tried to get to the car park and there was little other traffic around to indicate what was happening.

8 Nov '16
A lot of vehicles are accessing from Perry Vale side.