Lewisham makes baby Jesus cry [via BrockleyCentral]

The real problem with these trees is the more than £1000 cost charged by Skanska to install and remove them each year.
The barriers are quick and easy to remove, just like we did in Forest Hill town centre, just before the carol singing and the switching on of the lights.

Rebel rebel

I’d of thought baby Jesus was crying at how horrible it looked.

Thats what £1000 looks like apparently.

What are the barriers actually for? To protect the tree or to protect us?

To protect the council’s legal department.

You made my day with that.

The Catford resistance:

I didn’t notice any barriers around the tree at FH station when I walked past it yesterday.

No barriers are gone. I was stunned at how good the FH Street lights were decorated, I am sure an award is in the offing.

The FH tree looks great.
The rather skinny tree in Sydenham doesn’t have barriers either.

I’ve just realised. We’ve got this all wrong. The tree is there purely as a health and safety measure, to draw attention to the barriers around it so as to reduce the chance of anyone bumping into or tripping over the barriers.
Why are the barriers there? The barriers are there to protect the tree, which is there purely as a health and safety measure, to draw attention to the barriers around it so as to reduce the chance of anyone bumping into or tripping over the barriers.
Logical, really, when you think about it.

So how come there are no barriers around the tree in FH or Sydenham, also installed by Skanska?

Naughty @Michael, tut tut!
Think of the children!
On a serious note - bravo!

Pardon me for being pedantic but someone ought to tell Councillor Pauline Morrison that Skanska does not have the power to make regulations. Policies, yes, but that’s a matter for negotiation between Skanska and the council.