Overgrown hedges

It can be an issue on Waldram Park Road too. It is bad for pedestrians, but it is particularly bad for those of us with drives on these roads.
I recently clipped my neighbour’s hedge (with permission) because as it grows out, it obscures the road as we pull out with the car, and I’m afraid of not seeing a cyclist or pedestrian as they approach.
Sadly, many of these properties are flats where no-one feels responsible for the hedge, so they just keep growing.
Not sure what one can do about it unless you happen to know it is an L&Q or Hyde Housing property

I have been known to do a bit of guerilla gardening every now and again. Next doors landlord is someone who DGAS so the place is very overgrown. I will hope over with strimmer and set to.

Getting to that point myself. Cordless hedge trimmers rock.

If a hedge is overgrowing the footpath, the council has a duty to keep the path clear, and if notified about it will issue a ‘hedge notice’ to the owner of the property with the offending hedge, telling them they have to trim it back so that it doesn’t obstruct the public highway. If not trimmed back within a certain time frame, the council will do the work and send a bill to the property owner (for a lot more than they could have done it themselves). contact the local authority, tell them it’s a footway obstruction, and they’ll sort it from there - or alternatively carry secateurs with you, and trim it yourself.

if you aren’t arrested first

My next-door-neighbour’s front garden (Hyde housing) is full of brambles. This doesn’t bother me, except that the brambles grow right out onto the footpath, and could easily scratch someone, particularly a child who would be at head height with the branches. So when I am pruning my own garden I usually quickly go and snip off any brambles growing onto the path. I suppose I could call Hyde about it but it just seems easier to do it myself … I do think housing associations should ensure that their front gardens are not causing a nuisance or hazard.

Still doing battle with L&Q as well as Lewisham about this. Especially with the Southern Gas roadworks now in place, it has become stupid now.
Cordless hedge trimmers on charge!

Well here we have it.
After a tough couple of months, resulting in the people at L&Q getting fed up of the red tape etc, my last message regarding the safety of the crossing for those taking kids to and from school finally did it.
Hedges done, and scheduled for regular maintenance from now.
Almost unrecognisable now, I hope those passing the hedges at the junction of Perry Vale, Mayow and Sunderland Rd appreciate my hard work lol

There is a man who regularly walks up Honor Oak Park past the station on the way to the allotments, play ground, and he snips off any overhanging branches, brambles on his way. If he reads this forum I’d like to say THANK YOU!

Well done, I noticed the difference yesterday and the usual pausing for someone to pass is now a thing of the past.

Glad you noticed it, amazing the difference it makes when walking the dogs down there. Clear line of sight, no dancing for position.
Lovely to hear directly from someone who has been inconvenienced by this, so thanks for replying.