Archived on 6/5/2022

Congrats to Lewisham on a quick job

20 Dec '16

I saw a dead fox in Cranston Road this morning at 8:15 - he looked perfectly fine, no blood - just dead.
So I reported it using fixmystreet in more hope than expectation and Lewisham had removed it by 11:11 this morning. - contains picture of said dead fox.

Pretty good work I think.

20 Dec '16

I have to say, that they are pretty good nine times out of ten.

20 Dec '16

Now, if the council could just do the same with the rest of the urban foxes, dead or alive, and those that deliberately feed them… [ducks] :grimacing:

20 Dec '16

Dont make me put my mod hat on Chris!!! :rage:

20 Dec '16

After having another chicken taken by the blighters last week I should agree with you but I figure we should accept them as part of the urban wildlife community. There is really little that can be done even if we decided it was a good idea - past culls haven’t worked to any great extent.
Still the thread was about the appreciation of the quick work of the council - we don’t want to get off topic :wink:

20 Dec '16

Heaven forbid :wink:

I was quite tolerant of the foxes until I had a puppy and the foxes stole his squeaky toy. I could hear it being carried over the gardens, the squeak getting fainter and fainter, my tiny puppy fiercely yapping at my feet in outrage.

20 Dec '16

Lets not get me going about grey squirrels.:rage:

20 Dec '16

We’re going off topic about foxes. We’re not going off topic about grey squirrels.

Right, @RachaelDunlop? :wink:

20 Dec '16

Oh do tell :sunglasses:

20 Dec '16

Dont like it Man, share!!!

21 Dec '16

I have literally no idea what this means.

21 Dec '16

Don’t worry. It was funny as heck to me when I wrote it. Not worth bothering about now :wink: