Archived on 6/5/2022

First Kids FH Library Advisory Board Meeting Monday 6/2/17

8 Jan '17

Hi All

After our library board meeting this afternoon we have now decided on a date for our first “Kids Advisory Board” meeting which will be on Monday 6th of February at 4pm in the kids library.

One of my tasks (which I love) is coordinating the kids library, so myself & @Simon will be the ones that will be organising this.

This will be a fun meeting with the kids (and probably their parents) telling us what they want in their library (activities, special sections, and anything else they want) and also what they do & don’t like.

We have also put aside a small amount of money for the kids to decide how they would like this spent (workshops, homework clubs, art activities etc) and their overall decision will be final as long as it fits in with the funding boundaries we have been given.

I really hope many parents bring their kids along to our first meeting & from there moving forward the plan is for the kids to select a “Chair, Vice Chair, etc” to give them more responsibility if they want.

I’m really looking forward to giving the kids a massive say in how their library is run & really happy to work with them to do this.

We are also setting up an email address at for kids and parents to email requests to this group. But we will check for spam emails before we share this with the kids at their meetings. If any parent would like to work with us on this then please let us know.

Adults don’t worry, an “Advisory Board” is coming soon for you too :slight_smile:

Pauline :slight_smile:

9 Jan '17

@pauline am I correct in saying that this is an open meeting for any children of any age and parents?

And that the Advisory board meetings will be for a possibly smaller number of children selected by their peers at this first meeting, to represent the interests of children in the running of the library.

9 Jan '17

Yup Michael :slight_smile:

18 Jan '17

Really hope lots of kids (and parents) are able to make this :slight_smile:

Myself, @Simon & @JohnRussell will be there :+1:

Please feel free to contact us if you need any further info.

5 Feb '17

This is tomorrow at 4pm, hope some of you can make it with the kids after School :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

ETA We have decided we will have 3 open meetings (one each School term) & 3 board/committee meetings each year for the kids advisory board after our meeting this afternoon, to make sure all kids get to give their input.

We will also be asking the kids for ideas for activities for “World Book Day” tomorrow at the meeting to host at the library :+1:

5 Feb '17

Not sure how this might work, but I wonder if you could think about the library as a hub for local activities for kids, rather than just one location. If anywhere could be that hub, I think it is the library. I’m thinking along these lines as a Friend of Dacres Wood, which is a great place for kids, with several groups using it already.

I can’t be at the meeting tomorrow, but I would welcome the chance to develop this idea - and also thinking of other local open spaces with their own Friends groups.

5 Feb '17

Hi Tim

Funnily enough we were discussing something similar to this at our management board meeting this afternoon.

Maybe we should arrange a meeting with local “Friends of groups” to develop this more for the future :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

@Michael @Simon @JohnRussell @V22Collection