Question for the road users

25 mph?

lol, Happy medium eh

Nice one. As an aside, that photo shows really well how cluttered our streets are. Do we really need quite so much street furniture?

We dont but our nanny state dictates that we do. However there are a number of boroughs decluttering their street signage.
Nice spot anon64893700, We have a pole outside our house that was knocked squiff, had a CPZ and “School” sign on it. I reported it about six months ago. It was replaced about 3 months ago. Just the pole, no signs, nuffink!

Sounds about right to me.
As for spotting it, I am a nosey sod, it helps at times lol

I tried driving at 20mph around FH and Sydenham got tooted and someone asked me for 2 of something as he passed me or was it victory for LBC

I have some fantastic dash cam footage from last night, from the exact same spot pictured above. Passed by an unmarked emergency service vehicle, aka a white van man with flashing ambers. Passed me and the bus in front.

Oh, I get that but they seem to be offering me coffee.

I found myself signalling to someone at the bottom of Sunderland as I pulled out yesterday, international sign language for “1 second mate”

Tenuous link to a post I made on ID cards mentioning fingerprints it would also have the benefit of checking imposters who take driving tests on behalf of other’s, who then go on to drive white vans!!

Actually 25 would have been a much better speed - across the whole of London. Most cars can’t be driven at 20 MPH, 20 is more of a transition speed between 2nd and 3rd gears.
Does the 20 MPH also apply to bicycles?

This was 2015 so the law may have changed.#
I would suggest 60 mph on a bicycle in a busy 20 mph zone may get you into a spot of bother.

In Lewisham’s own words, there is no intention “at this time” to enforce the speed limit for cyclist.
As for 25mph, agreed, but it wouldn’t satisfy the delicate people. Wait til 15 comes!
Does it apply to cyclists?
The speed limit is intended to make the roads safer for all road users. Although at the moment there are no speed limits for cyclists alone, people on bikes are expected to ride in a safe manner especially in shared areas. A cyclist can be prosecuted for riding with undue care.

Whilst in the same area, and talking about cyclists, roads, and speeds…
Take a look at this and give me your thoughts on it.
Last night while driving across the roundabout at the Brockley Jack, I passed this cyclist.
When I got to the other side of the roundabout, and stopped in traffic, the same cyclist rode along side me, just as I was rear ended. 2 ft to the left and it would have been the cyclist.
So now the picture.
My issue, my only issue with this cyclist is the child. However I seem to be getting some stick on Twitter about it as I am apparently shaming a mum on social media, and if I cared I would buy and give her some lights…

Hard to see how anyone can complain, it does not identify her at all. The issue is that the complainants have missed the point of your post totally.

Take it you saw some of the Twitter conversation John? lol
It has finally reached a polite discussion .
Indeed, not out to name and shame a person, just question their decisions regarding a child.

Cant find them.

The user probably deleted them. I got blocked *sob sob

It’s really odd. I dont understand that behavior. If you had a photo of their face and named them sure enough, that would be slightly rough but you dont. Mummy mafia.
Flame on.

Haha, I think it was a couple of key words that triggered the trolling, one being cyclist.
As a keen cyclist I LOVE being set upon by people who judge me only as a motorist, like I have no understanding and am ANTI cycle. Seems to be the case here.
Soon turned into me apparently trying to shame a mother who cycles. lol

Interesting pyramid.
I think at the bottom it could include ‘force to shut up’ - examples would include banning from a forum, or sacking them as attorney general.

Wow, Spindrift really has got a bee in their bonnet. I dont think anything you say or do would make a world of difference. You were in a CAR!!! Therefor you are the AntiChrist!

Did you just “Chris” this thread Michael? lol

Bee in their bonnet, and me in their face. Would prefer them on my bonnet to be honest!
Yup, one of those occasions where it is pointless. Saddens me that they blocked me though.

It seems a lot of people have lost the ability to have a reasoned discussion. Not going your way, block them.

But remember to get a shed load of abuse in first. Blame them for something they played no part in, call them some names, suggest they could have helped by doing something someone else should have done, call them some more names, claim victory… THEN block.

Not wanting to mod a mod or anything, but this conversation about a conversation that happened on Twitter is getting a bit chummy. And don’t think I haven’t noticed the political drift up thread.

Sorry, please feel free to clean it up. I shall refrain now.

Pft, nanny state

By the way,… The 30mph sign is still there today.

Looks like the caring mother is not wearing a Helmet? Can’t make out if the child is wearing one, I used to cycle to work with helmet and lights not expensive.
One other thing for parents who cycle with no helmet but the child has one on. Do we assume that if you fall off and crack your head on the pavement and end up paralysed or worse you have arranged adoption or cover for your surviving child? Based on actual knowledge of such an incident.

The median would be 23.3.

I assume your same rules apply to car drivers who don’t wear helmets, don’t wear seat belts,drive over the limit, talk on phones, don’t indicate, cut corners etc. Based on tens of thousands of people killed and injured by car drivers every year.

While I don’t have any particular issues with posting this sort of thing I also really don’t see the point. I could post a dozen pics a day of drivers doing daft things endaangering children or other people but ultimately it’s pretty pointless. Although I may take to wearing my cam just so I can cause arguments on twitter.
I note that you have a picture of this but don’t have or didn’t post the pic of the car that actually caused an accident which to me would be more reasonable.

It was behind him so difficult I imagine. Also FHN, anon64893700 is a very very big cycle user so dont make this into another bike v car thread.

Well as it was an accident presumably he got out of the car and could have taken an image easily. I just don’t see the point of posting these sort of images unless the purpose is to provoke a debate and argument which has been done to death.
I know he cycles but that doesn’t mean I have to agree with him and i’ll make any point I like about cars or bikes on a transport thread until a mod tells me otherwise even if you don’t like it.
I know anon64893700 is trying to loose some weight but I wouldn’t describe him as very very big.

It was a dash cam, so unless he removed it from the car I would assume he didnt. I am sure he correct us on this. Compared to me, he is a lightweight

I think this conversation is starting to get a little less constructive (and less general-interest) now… perhaps time for a five minute tea and biscuit break.

It’s going well on here, you should see my Facebook page at the moment

Personally I am having a flat white with an extra shot but no biscuits - need to keep the carbs down if I am to keep breaking the speed limits…

I think if I sat on a bike, on top of a hill and someone pushed me down I might, just might break the 20 mph limit.

OK first up, 30mph sign still there. More to the point it is the last speed sign for almost half a mile, so one presumes that the speed limit along the first half of Shardeloes is 30mph.
Dash cam again. Slow morning lol
Nick, the picture was simply taken from the footage leading up to the accident. It was something I had seen, and as a cyclist and motorist, alarmed me. What brought it more into focus was the fact that they were 2-3ft from being hit.
Indeed plenty of stupid things happen on the roads daily, and I do indeed “pick” on those people too. Pedestrians, motorists etc. This was just something that particularly made me cringe.
Other stuff…
As I say, the accident was of no major concern, these things happen.
Re car drivers not wearing helmets, I assume that was a typo as it is frowned upon to do so in the UK.

I have a new question: When driving on the south circular and doing the right turn from Devonshire Road onto London Road are you supposed to queue up in the right hand lane? The two lanes are allowed to turn right and then they merge. I ask because recently the queue was back to St Davids Road and I ended up in the left lane and went all the way through the junction without stopping. I felt like I might have broken an unwritten rule.

The two lanes of the South Circ outside the station at the lights are both permitted right turn lanes. However right lane regulars don’t like people “pushing in” from the left, so fight light children to force you wider and out of lane.
It’s just like people who don’t observe the bus lane hours and get mad at you for legally using it and passing them. More fool them.

I agree all road users should be responsible for their own and others safety. I understand that not wearing a seatbelt, talking on the mobile phone, speeding and general abuse of road management is subject to fines, points and possibly a ban. For this privilege we pay tax and insurance, congestion charges and parking fees.
When cyclists are held to account for illegal maneuvers, not wearing a Helmet and carry insurance to protect pedestrians mown down by pavement jockeys and show gratitude for the free cycle ways I have contributed to then perhaps they will be respected.
1783 people were killed in the last 12 months far too many but not 10s of thousands.
My comment was based on personal experience whereby an unfortunate accident with no other vehicular involvement just a slip resulted in a brain injury and death that could have been avoided if a Helmet was worn.
As mentioned this is a subject which can be debated ad nauseum,

Seems the same debate of cyclists is hard to avoid, maybe a new thread for people to express themselves on, and “debate” the subject, not that any views ever differ by the end.
Just to point out though, this was never a “bloody cyclists” post, more a “wow thats scary” comment on an existing road user thread.

Any objections to me splitting out a few posts from here into a new topic called “Road safety - cyclists vs cars”, @Wynell, @Foresthillnick, @Londondrz?
- Get splitting
- Keep all posts here
- Don’t care
0 voters

I did say killed or injured so tens of thousands is correct or even an underestimation. I agree that cyclists should be held to legal standards but lets not pretend that cyclists are in the same league as vehicles when it comes to costs, injury and death and we all pay taxes that pay for roads regardless. Personally I am not really bothered if you dont respect road users based their choice of transport - I try to respect and treat everyone the same as long as they are being safe and taking care of others.
I dont really need a new thread - as has been said the debate has been done to death I think.
Nah - just being flippant…

Phew, had me worried there mate lol
Agree that the debate is done to death, the outcome never differs with a motorist or cyclist saying " oooh I see your point"
Only way to get another view is from the seat. We clearly have the same sentiment on the matter.

By the way - what cam do you use and is it adaptable for helmet mounting?

Any vote for “Kill the thread dead before it goes badly wrong as all car v cyclists threads do”? Happy to have anon64893700’s original topic kept.

The current one is a Nextbase 312GW . Relies on a 12v supply from either a rechargeable battery pack or similar. Probably a bit chunky for a helmet, but a very good cam. Plenty of options out there, but this is ideal for me swapping between cars.

Yes lets kill the subject it’s not going to go anywhere and differing opinions will endure and unfortunately it may end in tears.
Let’s all be sensible safe tolerant road users whatever mode of transport we choose to use

He drove up to the line and although there was no oncoming traffic from either direction, he waited, observing for a few seconds. Only after then did he begin to indicate and perform his maneuver. I imagine that that unnecessary wait was to check for police or suspicious vehicles in order to avoid getting caught.

Going forwards, I think it would be useful if members know of specific junctions or roads in SE23 where there is regular flouting of the rules, and make threads dedicated to collecting evidence if they feel moved so to do. More productive in the long run, maybe than random ‘shaming’.
Having said that, if I had a dash cam, I’d have footage every day of someone doing an illegal manoeuvre, just to save themselves some minor inconvenience. It’s hugely frustrating. And it’s definitely getting more frequent.

Totally agree @RachaelDunlop Would make a good thread, for some at least. Not so sure this is random shaming, but if that is the consensus, then I am happy to stop posting anything like this in the future.
Andy, did indeed seem that way to me, especially as followed by a turn into Lidl’s

I can’t blame him for that - he probably saw a Jamon Serrano Reserva Ham Leg for £24.99

I put ‘shaming’ in inverted commas because I know that’s not your intention at all, but some might perceive it as such. I think using evidence like your excellent dash cam footage along with reports from other forum users to address specific hot spots of such behaviour would be a good way of making it more focused and less ‘random’ (used here in a specific way just to indicate that your reports are one-offs, not as a pejorative). I’m not suggesting you or anyone else should feel obliged to start a campaign, just putting it out there that this is a good platform for specific issues in specific locations, when they arise .