Fowl Mouths pop up at the All Inn One

I have to agree with you Chris, boys at the bar had squid, wings and edemame beans. All fantastic and perfect bar food. Back tomorrow for the mains we think!

Mel @FowlMouths think your first night went fab with these comments

I’ll be in like Flynn next week. Been looking forward to it since someone posted on here when they were elsewhere - shows the power of the local word.

Second the comments above, wife and I really enjoyed the food, 'twas excellent. We’ll be back the next time we have family down again to do the babysitting.

Thank you @Chris_Hesketh_Hesky @Stix @Foresthillnick! Really chuffed you enjoyed it & lovely feedback on our first night. Think we’re going to enjoy it here
Thanks for the heads up @Pauline. Lovely to read x

I guarantee the Fowl Mouths Instagram feed will make you feel hungry:

Goddamit Chris! I haven’t had my brekkie yet and I’m Hank Marvin!

Oh My!

Went here last night – it’s superb! Quickly, go before they move somewhere else. Really recommend the salmon.

Oh I am very tempted for Mel @FowlMouths to hang around in the area so will keep mentioning her

Oh looks like they are doing well as we tried to go last night but the restaurant section was fully booked! Will have to try again another time.

Ha @anon5422159 - I do love Instagram!
Thanks everyone for all your support. It’s been a brilliant 3 days and busier than I could have hoped for. Thanks to anyone for bearing with us during any first-week hiccups too.
Back next Weds. Can’t wait

Ah shame you couldn’t dine with us. We were fully booked (even with a couple of no-shows) but back next Weds-Sat.
We’re also opening from 5.30pm so people can get in earlier, and there’s lunch on Sat too. Hope to see you soon

We also went on Thursday and really enjoyed the food - in fact our (then) unborn child enjoyed it so much that my wife went into labour about an hour afterwards and our boy Elliott was born at King’s at quarter to eight on Friday evening. thanks Fowl Mouths! We are keeping the receipt as a memento.

Wow! Congrats @simonk133

Amazing @simonk133! Congratulations! Welcome to the world Eliiott

We were very impressed with the Fowl Mouths pop-up at Hopscotch a while ago, will definitely have to visit All Inn One!

Popped in last night with my OH and it was lovely. The @AllInnOne is a lovely pub and I am now kicking myself for not going sooner and @FowlMouths food was great. Really friendly, felt at home right away and I’ll be back before the end of the month for more.
Salted caramel brownie with green tea ice cream - that was dialed in since I saw the menu. Was not disappointed.

Brilliant glad you had a good time Nick & thanks for coming down

Had a really great meal with Fowl Mouths last night. Top tip, though - don’t stick your finger in your eye after eating the spicy fries!
Delicious food, fresh and hot and so tasty.

Seems men may wish to particularly heed that advice too.

Came for dinner on Thursday and enjoyed it so much we’re back for lunch today. Fabulous food and drink and hospitality.

I also came Thursday and am back with family today. Superb food and service.

Mel @FowlMouths we need to find a way to keep your amazing food in SE23 everyone loves it
Pop in for a chat soon Mrs xxx

We went on Friday and had the fried chicken and miso mushroom dishes. The mushrooms were particularly lovely, beautifully flavoured and very savoury. The only slightly bum note was the rice, simultaneously mushy and a little too “crunchy”, it felt a little like it has been soaked too long before cooking.
However all in all a lovely addition to Forest Hill. We’ll definitely go again.

Ah thanks for coming Hannah & sorry about the rice. We had a few rice issues which I thought had been ironed (steamed?) out but clearly not entirely. I’ll look into it again to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Thanks for letting us know.

Thanks for the kind words @RachaelDunlop @Dave @topofthehill thanks for the kind words all. Really appreciated.
Looking forward to our last week at @AllInnOne - being back in Forest Hill has been all we’d hoped for.