Hi there, I live near the Sylvan Post in Dartmouth Road and I have a motorbike, but I’m not sure where to park it safely (and possibly in a dry place). Has anyone got (or know someone who has) a parking space that I could rent out? It doesn’t need to be right by my doorstep, but possibly not a 20 minute walk either
Wanted: Motorbike parking to rent

This request didn’t get much traction did it?

I was surprised about that as well.
Obviously space around here is at more of a premium than I thought.
Hopefully someone will help you out with this one soon.

When I had my bike I googles garages for rent in Forest Hill and got a few hits. The council may also rent out garage spaces. Mine ended up living in the kitchen.

Hi Fabio… I believe there are a number of websites from which people can rent out excess parking spaces on both commercial and private property. I’ve never used any so am reluctant to make a recommendation. Rather I’ll give you the link to the MoneySavingExpert page on this subject.

Are you able to fit a ground anchor where you live?

Yes - and, stupidly, I’ve known that’s something I should do but never got around to it.

Make sure you get a good one and a decent bike cover. It wont stop a determined thief but will stop an opportunist thief. If you are unable or not allowed to use a ground anchor use the “bucket’o’crete” method. Large plastic bucket filled with concrete. Once set mount the ground anchor into that then chain the bike up. You would have to be really really keen on stealing a heavy bike chained to a very heavy concrete block.
A rape alarm mounted to the cover would stop opportunistic thieves, cover removed, pin pulled out of alarm, 120dB and scares the poo out of most people. Just dont forget it is there, dont ask me why I know that

Sexy bikes… you’re definitely keen on that model eh?

Thanks for the suggestions. There doesn’t seem to be much around. Unless we team up @Anotherjohn and we rent this together (and fit ground anchors).
I asked the guys at Dartmouth Arms if I could rent space in their private parking at the back but they never bothered to reply…
And recently I had my cover stolen, which is annoying and also makes me go around more often to see if the bike is still where I left it…

Amazon do a lockable cover for just under £15. Having had three bikes stolen I am a little paranoid. Can you tell?

Wait until you get to Norfolk. Those country folk are all thieves.

But I will be armed

I’ve just remembered something from way back.
Rather than look for garages to rent, I put postcard notices in loads of local newsagents and I got lucky.
for local resident
£50 per month for a single garage
or £80 for a double.
Long term preferred but I can be flexible.
Phone John - 0208 699 9999 or 07973 999999
... ... ... Thank you ... ... ...

Good idea @Anotherjohn… sometimes we forget how we used to do things