Still yet to register with a GP here- we live just by Forest Hill station, does anyone have any recommendations?
Doctor Recommendation

I’ve just registered with the Jenner Practice, on Brockley Rise.
They didn’t seem too busy when I was there, although they said appointments can only be booked the day before (no walk-in service anymore). There’s online booking, where you can choose a doctor and time slot.
My other half @Liz_Hall has used them before and not had any complaints about the service.
Opening hours:
- Monday open from 8am until 6.30pm
- Tuesday open from 8am until 6.30pm
- Wednesday open from 8am until 6.30pm
- Thursday open from 8am until 6.30pm
- Friday open from 8am to 6.30pm

Luckily I didn’t halve to go much at all but I’m registered with The Vale Medical centre and they are a nice practice as far as I can tell.

The catchment areas are very small so you may find you don’t have much choice. Check the NHS website.
I’m at the Vale Medical centre and very happy with it.

I’m with the Jenner too.
A decent practice with some excellent and maybe some less than excellent Doctors. I have had some excellent care there in general.

Forest Hill Group Practice has served our needs well. On the day appointments available if you call early.

My family has been well-served by the Wells Park practice for many years. I may owe my life to Dr Tony Adegoke who recently referred me urgently to King’s for investigation of what turned out (slightly to everyone’s surprise) to be a potentially fatal condition. The main downside is it is often difficult to get non-urgent appointments at a convenient time and with the doctor you prefer. But I guess that’s probably the case with all practices (and if it isn’t now it will be soon.)

Hint for on the day appointments.
I am registered at Vale Medical Centre (good so far) and as with my last GP practice I can book appointments online with Patient Access.
Generally a few same day appointments are released exclusively online at some time between 6 and 7am. I recently had a bad chest infection and at 6:30am there were 3 appts available that afternoon.

I do that too. Cancellations pop up right up until about 9am. I’ve always been able to get a same day appointment by getting on the phone as soon as the lines open. It takes some time redialling and holding, but it’s possible.
Sidenote: I use Twitter to log in on this site and have just been followed on Twitter by ‘DoctorsNearMeUK’. Coincidence? I think not.

Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell, Robin. Hope you are fully recovered.

I have seen a few of the GPs at the Jenner practice and really liked Dr. Sarah Van-Cooten.

Yes, thanks, Rachael. I’ve been given the all-clear and am feeling fine.

Also at the vale and very happy there, always get same day appointment but as it was mentioned before call at 8:30 or go there in person just before 08:30

We’re with the Jenner Practice and been happy with the care received. Dr Van Cooten very good for both of us - recommended![quote=“annie_lloyd, post:1, topic:3243, full:true”]
Still yet to register with a GP here- we live just by Forest Hill station, does anyone have any recommendations?

The Vale are brilliant – lovely staff and never have an issue getting appointments – and they open early and late so very convenient.

Thanks so much for all your comments ideas and suggestions! We registered with The Vale yesterday and it was very easy - would highly recommend!

Sorry to late to be of use to OP but in case anyone else is looking, I can add my recommendation on the Jenner Practice. I’ve found them to be consistently excellent.

Vale Medical Centre scored high in the user poll recently.
So impressed with them today. I got a call on Friday to make an apppointment today. Called spot on 8:30 when they open, was in a queuing system for four minutes which updates you on where you are in the queue. And even though I started 11th I got an appointment for 9:10 with my favourite GP there.
One thing I love about Vale is they do blood tests onsite. At my last GP I’d have to go join the hoards at Kings or St. Thomas’ whenever I needed blood work done.

My vote goes to Vale Medical Centre. You can choose a doctor there (my favorites are Dr McLeod and Dr Galland… If i spelled correctly) There is a lovey nurse as well, dont remember her name, I am always afraid of taking blood from the vein, she does it without any pain or discomfort and really fast. i will get her surname when the next time i visit. Yes, very good medical practice, definitely recommend.
There was an instance i had to see a nurse and shared with her symptoms irrelevant to my visit, she quickly arranged another tests straight after my visit with her, i was let through without queueing up or waiting. Told me if the results were bad, i would be contacted to arrange the appointment. Luckily it was not anything serious but that shows that staff there are really nice and does care about thier patients.

I hear ya. Usually the nurse is digging around for a vein. All three times I’ve had bloods taken here has been quick, painless and no discomfort.

My other half and are with Wells Park, sadly the only practise that would take us despite our immediate neighbours being with The Jenner-our preferred practise.
They are Awful-messed up referrals, can never get appointments, mis-sent texts to me which are adressed to another paitent.
I brought all this up with the practise manager who had me in for a meeting.
However the comedy of Errors continues.
would not recommend them ever.
In 5 years Ive only seen the same doctor twice and appointments when you do get them are very rushed.

I’ve used The Jenner for years (also throughout my pregnancy with my almost 15 year old) and always found the service very good for myself & kids. Never had any problems at all

I’ve been with Wells Park Practice for 5 years and never had a problem with them, apart from my appointments sometimes being delayed for up to an hour. Which is quite a nuisance, come to think of it. And although I rarely see the same doctor, I don’t think I’ve had that luxury in the 15 years I’ve lived in London.
But I can usually get an appointment and always found staff courteous. And the blood-taker is brilliant.
I was really surprised to learn they’d scored so badly. Maybe I’ve just been lucky.

Sorry mfix. That made me chuckle 'cause that sounded like two problems there.

Haha, yeah fair point. Clearly just have really low standards!

Just wanted to add to this as Woolstone Medical practice hadn’t been mentioned above. Have been with them for 4 years since moving here and have always been really happy with the doctors there. It is tricky to get a same day appt sometimes, but if you ring at 8am you will get one. Also think they’ve dealt with the Covid stuff really well, they have a helpful e-consult service where you can submit your question and a doctor gets back to you within 24-48 hours. I went for a flu jab at the weekend and it was so so well organised, well ventilated, effective one way system, masks worn, in and out in less than 3 minutes. In particular they have several very good, kind and thorough female doctors. Definitely recommend!

I agree Ames - I’ve been with Woolstone Medical Centre and it’s predecessor Perry Hill Surgery for over 30 years! Although there are now 2 surgeries closer to home and it’s too far for me to walk there I’ve chosen to remain there as I’ve always been very happy with their care. I knew I would be eligible to have the flu jab on the NHS for for the first time this year but was surprised when I was called before the end of August and booked in for September 19th. I’ve heard others locally haven’t been so lucky.

Any updates on GP preferences?
Currently looking at The Vale medical centre as my 1st choice.

I’m with Vale Medical centre (have been for 7 years) and I’ve found them very good.
- Never had to wait long in the waiting room (30mins max).
- Can see all my medical history via their app.
- They usually have many appointments available and last-minute ones.
- Doctors and health nurses I’ve seen have all been empathetic and thorough.
- I recently needed an urgent hospital referral and the Doctor was great with promptly referring me the next day.
- Receptionists can be hit or miss as with most surgeries.
Last month Guy’s hospital urgently requested I get a blood test and the Vale receptionist wouldn’t book me one due to the time of day I called them, they advised I would need to call back at a certain time the next day and then speak to a doctor who would then assess whether I need a blood test and then I would book a test in. When you’ve had an urgent referral to identify a life-threatening condition you don’t need to be sent around on a goose chase just to book a test! I ended up getting one via Lewisham Hospital the next morning instead. So there’s a few little things like that which irked me, but no doubt it’s all as a result of Covid regulations now.
I can’t give any advice regarding recent appointments as I haven’t been.

Thanks, I appreciate the post.
GP receptionist are a wonder to the world sometimes.

> “GP receptionist are a wonder to the world sometimes”
Thats one way of putting it.

With Lordship Lane Surgery (opposite Lloyds Bank on Lordship Lane) - good GP that gets to know their patient - and being a Southwark surgery, sent to King’s and not Lewisham; no complaints. Takes the whole of SE23.

Oh I didn’t know that! Now I wish I had signed up to that surgery…

The other Southwark surgeries that take in parts of SE23 are The Foret Hill Group Practice, Forest Hill Road, SE22 and the two surgeries within the St Giles Surgery Buiilding, St Giles Road, SE5. So could be a thought if you have long-term problems and wish to dodge UHL.

When I’ve needed a referral to a hospital the Vale Medical Centre left the choice to me and acted accordingly. In fact they told me on one occasion that King’s A&E was better and called them to advise that I was on my way.

King’s also have a PICU, unlike Lewisham, should you ever have a very ill child.

We have been with the Forest Hill group practise for over 20 years. All GP surgeries have their ups & downs, but we have been happy with them over the years.
If you need a blood test the GP will give you the form & you just go to Kings or Dulwich hospital during their opening times.
I have to have 3 monthly blood tests because of my medication for rheumatoid arthritis. I always go to Dulwich hospital. They now have the new Tessa Jowell medical centre open. If I go in the morning the GP usually has the results in the afternoon.

Yes, and without being too anoraky on the NHS, having a Southwark GP gets easier access to the Evelina Hospital, next to St Thomas’.
RE Tessa Jowell Health Centre - it’s a lovely place, but, setting Corona aside, seems very under-used. I also go there, rather than KCH for blood tests.
I heard from my GP that’s where local (those of us like me and Gill with Southwark GPs in the Dulwich, Dulwich Village and Nunhead cluster of surgeries) people will be sent for the Corona vaccination.

A great discovery when I registered at Vale Medical Centre was they do blood tests in the surgery. No traipsing to a hospital.

Was that recently? It might be due to Covid, but The Vale usually refers blood tests to the Lewisham & Greenwich community phlebotomy service:
Getting an appointment at one of those surgeries can be difficult, though may have improved since my experiences last year. University Hospital Lewisham is currently not accepting GP referrals for blood tests, due to Covid.

Having just had a blood test (I’m registered with the Jenner practice, BTW), it seems that during these COVID times, there are no walk-in clinics anywhere in the Lewisham health district area.
You need to visit the centralised web booking site (or use the phone number) indicated on your blood test request form, and pre-book a slot at one of the centres currently offering blood testing facilities.
Website is Book a blood test | Lewisham and Greenwich - but obviously you can only book a test if you have the request form from your GP.

I haven’t had bloods taken since February. But then it was in the surgery. That service is still listed on their site. Perhaps suspended during this crisis.

I’m at the Jenner and have been referred to Kings by the GP - was given the option, and both our kids were born at Kings (Lewisham has (or had anyway) a very nice new area for births that I believe is excellent space wise etc).