Hi, hoping for some recommendations. I’ve had back trouble for a long time and know it’s because I have a weak core - I have had some really good advice from the folks at the Honor Oak Wellness Rooms, but think it would be really helpful to get some 1:1 Pilates instruction and potentially some specific physio advice/exercises. Any recommendations? Love the lady that does my class but I don’t think she does private classes.
Personal Pilates/fitness trainer?

Speak to Adam at Twist Studios on Dartmouth Road.
He does personal training & is very highly rated in these circles.
If he can’t help I’m sure ha can point you in the right direction of someone that can.
Pop by my shop & I’ll take you up there to meet him if you like.

Also if acupuncture is of interest to you for your back “Andrew Fung” is amazing and local & I can dig out his details for you if you like

Aww thanks Pauline - Andrew sounds like a great suggestion, I’ve not been to the Dartmouth Road place. We’re away this weekend but will pop by soon!

I’ll dig out Andrews details for you

One place tops the rest in SE23, IMHO: http://studioone-pilates.com/. Ask for Iovana (@iovana on this site).

Hi Irmani. Snap! Sorry to hear about it - I’ve have a bad back too, on and off for years. Have you thought about yoga? Local teacher Amanda is terrific. I booked her last week for a one to one, back specific session which has worked wonders. Pilates is good; I love it too, however it focuses more on abs than backs. Just a thought. You can find her at www.suntreecircle.wordpress.com.

Actually Pilates works your core, which is not the same as your abs. You can have a rock solid core from Pilates without gaining so much as a hint of a six-pack. The core lies deeper and supports the back. I think whether or not it helps your back depends on the cause of the pain and/or injury. Pilates certainly sorted out my back issues which were related to me having hyper-mobility (which is not a good thing!)

Fair point Rachael; I’m happy to stand corrected (nice and tall, with shoulders down and imagining a piece of string pulling the top of my head to the ceiling…).
I’ve done and love both yoga and Pilates, and notice a difference in what each one achieves. I gues with the right teacher, either discipline will certainly be most beneficial in managing back issues, as you and I, thankfully, seem to have found.

Thanks for all the recommendations everyone - I will get in touch with a few trainers and see who I click with!