1 Mar '17
Almost every day, our Facebook page shares popular stories from the forum:
If you’ve been following our page, we’d appreciate your feedback:
What frequency of posting would you prefer?
- Several times per day
- Twice per day
- Once per day (current)
- Once per week
- Once per month or less
- Don’t mind
0 voters
Which are your favourite kinds of post?
(choose up to three)
- Shop/Cafe/Restaurant/Pub openings
- Council announcements (e.g. waste collection changes)
- Rail closures / power cuts etc
- Local news (e.g. “male apprehended for throwing knives”)
- London-wide news
- Recommendations (e.g. “good country pubs within a 30 minute drive”)
- Local events
- Lost / found pets
- Other (please comment)
0 voters
Which posts would you prefer to see LESS of?
(choose up to three)
- Shop/Cafe/Restaurant/Pub openings
- Council announcements (e.g. waste collection changes)
- Rail closures / power cuts etc
- Local news (e.g. “male apprehended for throwing knives”)
- London-wide news
- Recommendations (e.g. “good country pubs within a 30 minute drive”)
- Local events
- Lost / found pets
- Other (please comment)
0 voters
Please feel free to reply below with any other feedback and suggestions, and in particular if there’s a category of post you’d like to see on our Facebook page that’s not mentioned in the polls.