So I spent the weekend dismantling a greenhouse offered by our own @TimLund. 3 hours on Saturday and an hour again on Sunday. I took all the glass down to my plot on Sunday morning which was a struggle and took ages but I left the frame propped up, in bits, against my house in my front garden.
Came back from work to find it gone - I guess some metal salvage types have nicked it… So annoying as it can’t be worth more than a few quid in scrap but it was worth a lot more to me.
Reported it as a crime online but I know nothing will come of it.
You can’t leave anything unattended these days

That’s so awful. What can I offer you in the way of plants?

That is very bloody annoying. I had to chase off scrap collectors when they tried to make off with a radiator in our front garden that had been put there to drain off while we changed some pipe work.
I have no problems with people collecting scrap. But they should always ask about larger items within your boundary. Otherwise it’s just theft. Remember the post a while ago about a ‘stolen’ baby car seat?

Cheers Tim, very kind of you to offer but I have already over planted!

Shame to hear that.
If you are interested we have a greenhouse which we are getting rid of imminently, its still assembled and you are more than welcome to it as we will likely just be disposing of it otherwise. Message me if interested.

Horrible news.
Have you checked at the Horniman? Suspicious how quickly their frame is going up.

Lol. Wicked man