I guess we have to be grateful for small mercies, in that the weather held out over the long weekend for us. Thank you weather.
With that said, this weather makes me want to hide under the covers.
So who is lucky enough to have today off too, and not need to even bother stepping outside? Who ever you are, I envy you right now. Truly.
Lovely start to the working week!

Murphy’s law - today is the day I chose for the start of a short break to Wales: so will shortly be venturing out to brave my way across London in monsoon conditions.

There’s always at least one! Meh.
Could really do with a couple more days to heal from the battering I got at the weekend riding, but short at work, so not gonna happen.

Thanks Ann, as long as I don’t have to use my right arm, all will be well haha.
Yeah I make you right, not much you can do on a day like today. But bed and sleep still makes sense!
Have a good day.

I would swap places with you in a flash right now haha. Looks lovely there.

@Londondrz I’m confused. Are you driving a Fiat or a Porsche? Or is this a spot the difference competition?

It’s a Porker. Not mine I hesitate to add but had a drive in it. I can see the appeal but with no roof rack or tow bar it is useless for camping

Well what a miserable start to the week (weather wise) luckily I don’t have far to walk to work so didn’t get wet
Sorry if anyone else did, including @BMSE23 who popped in today for a chat & said he did

Thanks Pauline, spent all day with damp trousers on!

The quality of the dashboard confirmed which it was to me lol.
Practicality is where it’s at. Smart car and 5 series tourer covers all bases for.
Indeed a foul day today though, in so many ways. Glad when it’s bedtime tonight.