Hi everyone. Could I have / borrow 1 or 2 crutches for a couple of weeks?
It would be very helpful.
TIA Dona
Wanted: Pair of crutches to borrow for two weeks

Any joy yet?
I may be able to come across a set in around a week’s time if you don’t have any luck beforehand
Let me know if that helps

Hi Pauline,
That would be brilliant. I will need them on 23rd for my son’s surgery.
Please do let me know if you get them. I will post here if I find a pair somewhere else.

Don’t want interrupt a local lend-a-crutch enterprise but if your son should be on crutches after surgery then it is best these are supplied by a physio. Is this operation on the NHS? If so, I would expect that he would get some to borrow if they are needed.

It’s not on the NHS, unfortunately Thanks Brett.

I can lend you a pair.
I will drop them into Pauline for you to collect on Saturday if you want.

That’d be brilliant John!
I can collect them Saturday afternoon.

I have a new pair that Lewisham hospital won’t take back ,iam in Kemble Rd

That’s great! When could I collect?

Any time at home all weekend,it’s 8 Kemble Rd forest hill ,today if you like

That’s very kind. I can come down around 6 pm?

Yes have them ready buy the door

Brilliant. I’ll be there just after 6.
Thank you so much.

Am i the only one that finds this horrific? In a first world country a parent feels they have to beg for an essential aid for their ill child?.. as a society can’t we do better?

Not sure I’d call it horrific. As the surgery is not being performed by the NHS, I assume the hospital performing the surgery would charge for the loan of crutches. Borrowing some makes sense. In that context, I find it rather heartwarming that there have been not one but two offers of crutches to borrow.

Yep. Don’t want to get into a fight about this … but really? … this doesn’t feel strange? A kid needs crutches and you go on a local forum to find them ? It feels like the thin edge of a potentially very thick wedge… " Any one local got a kidney to spare" ?

a) She said it was her son, not a child (although it may be);
b) If it is private surgery, you pay for everything.
This is a very specific context in a commercial market (which is what private healthcare is), not a general reflection on the state of our society.

Hi John,
Thank you for offering. I have now got a pair

Hi Pauline,
I have got a pair of crutches now. Thank you for offering

@RachaelDunlop I stand corrected re status of “son”… A presumption on my part … does not detract from my point however. … I do find the concept of beging for medical resources very worrying given the current social/ economic/political climate. First our library… then our medical aids … what is next ?

Thank you Rachel. You are right. Going private we need to pay for everything as we don’t have private health insurance. Unfortunately, the NHS wouldn’t perform the operation as it ‘isn’t necessary’ but my son is in pain and I am doing anything I can to make sure the problem is solved. I feel so lucky to live in such a supportive community and, today, I have collected the crutches. One small load off my mind.

Last time I used crutches from Lewisham Hospital, they had a drop off point for them at the physio centre. Glad they have found a use but hope they find their way back there eventually.

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Since the crutches have been generously donated I will close this particular topic to further replies.
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