New business in Forest Hill - Mattresses

It’s an odd little row of shops there, nice to see some more interesting traders. This is the sort of business that people will travel to.

Back in the 90s one of the predecessors to the Sugar Mountain premises was a specialist bed shop and I lived in the flat upstairs with my wife and 2 young children.
Then, one nice summer evening at about 7pm, there was a huge crash and the whole building shook like it had been hit by an earthquake. So I ran out onto the flat roof terrace and looked down at the street below, expecting to see a lorry embedded (oops, pun!) in the shopfront. But no. There was a guy with a mattress on his head running up Derby Hill after putting the plate glass window through.
Ahh… Fond memories!

Perhaps he was fed up waiting for delivery and decided to take mattress into his own Hands?

Do I get a Badge for That?

Too funny, I mattress (may stress) this thread should not be taken seriously unless you want to test the mattresses.
Happy to do but not on me head
