Hi, someone knocked on my door about at 8.45pm saying she is from cancer research. She has a jacket and her identity card around the neck. Has anyone encountered this? My husband said it is surely a scam as charity workers wouldn’t go around knocking on door this late?
Cold calling from cancer research

Not sure from which charity or religious order we have had a couple of knocks after 7pm.
My response as soon as I see a clipboard or ID tag is Thankyou goodbye point out the sign saying no callers etc and close the door.

Thank you!

I think it is more normal nowdays, I guess they recognise use lots of people.people at work during the day and probably more people in later. I suspect this was legitimate but I would personally just always do something online if I wanted to.

Thank you! I grew up in Malaysia so I am always extra cautious and possibly too suspicious.

Yes, we used to have a few charities come round at that time.

Following up on this, if anyone should get a visit from the group going around locally, and should be unfortunate enough to receive the old pressure line of “don’t you want to save a childs life”, get the shmucks name please!
I am all for being factual about these things, and letting people know what they are fighting for, but that (IMO) is out of order. Having lost many friends and family to cancer now, I am aware of the disease, and don’t appreciate people going door to door like this using such tactics.
PS, I know these people are not direct reps of the charities.

I find charity workers keep knocking, sometimes up to 3 times during the afternoon & evening. We generally ignore them (even let them see us sitting by the window) just to let them know we have no intention of entertaining them!
If they really harass as in really banging on the door & ringing the bell, I just go out there & tell them politely where to go.
I think cold calling should be banned…full stop. We have a few elderly people living down our road & they could easily be conned by these persistent pests If you want to donate to charity we are all capable of doing it off our own backs.

I know it’s far from ideal and doesn’t protect the people that you’re worried about but if you actually ask to be opted out, and explicitly say that you don’t want to be contacted, then they should desist more quickly than if you are seen ignoring them. Unless they can go back with an opt-out they are likely to just be sent back to try again.

We had Cancer Research Campaign ‘chuggers’ in our road yesterday evening. Seemed to be three of four doing house-to-house. They had high viz jackets and name badges, but who knows …

I usually interrupt them halfway through their opening sentence with “I’m sorry, but I don’t do anything on the doorstep.”
“Oh, but can I just…”
“I’m sorry, I don’t do anything on the doorstep. Thank you.”

That’s exactly what I do. Except I say it once and close the door.

We ignore them to try & discourage them from knocking. But, if I do answer in the end I do say that I’m not interested, but it doesn’t seem to make a lot of difference.

Yes, they came round yesterday at our place too.
I also just had 2 more visits today - one from a couple of women trying to get me to join some Church and then 5 MINUTES LATER the Watchtower crowd… Sigh. Seriously, bugger off.

I never trust anyone. They are all scams in one way or another. Either they are completely fraudulent or they are taking a ridiculous commission which in this day and age there’s no excuse for when you can just jump online and do a direct donation.
And they are never up front about their commission which is a minimum 30%. If they are being paid per signature/sign up and you are only donating a small amount, then expect we’ll over 50% to go directly in to their pocket.

6 months ago, we have put a sign up by the door bell saying that we don’t buy things at the door nor do we sign up to things at the door and that the door bell should not be rung without a prior appointment unless you are delivering something. That’s what is says. I would say that it has been 99% effective. Peace has been restored.

We had the same last week at 8.45. I said it was w ridiculous our to be calling, her response, Yes I know I still have another 15min til I clock off! Erm I’m sorry are you trying to raise money for charity or not? I told her it was too late and shut the door.
Too harsh?

Maybe I am in a minority but I don’t really mind them that much. A firm no suffices although I did make regular donations to Amnesty for a while following a really visit from a really nice chap. We don’t really get many anyway so for me it isn’t an issue.
However I was once really hung over and I got very cross with the jehovah’s witnesses. I don’t mind them calling but do get annoyed when they start telling me how wrong I am not to share their beliefs so I got into a bit of a bate with them. They have never come back! Result! I must be on a list or something now as they go right down my road avoiding me. Actually sort of regret it slightly as the “Angry Atheist” is not a stereotype I like to live up to…

She was just doing a job, she probably thought that saying that showed empathy. I know it’s annoying but the people doing these jobs take an awful lot of flack when they personally aren’t the problem at all.

Should see @anon5422159 with them after a few jars lol. Bad enough when sober!

The situation with the Jehovah’s Witnesses was resolved with a restraining order. No more encounters since.
Irritating, having to get police permission to open my front door, though.


Yes I know I’m not taking this seriously anymore, but hey!

I think they get a bad rap. They have always been polite to me even when I open the door naked. I can see a glimmer of a sad smile but still polite.