Hi all. Does anyone have any experience of local soundproofing companies (and did it work). I’m looking into options to reduce the impact noise from above in my flat.
Soundproofing companies

I haven’t heard of any good ones…

I sympathise. At my last place I had lovely neighbours upstairs. But could hear them talk (airborne noise) and hear them walk (impact noise). I too looked at possible soundproofing solutions but found them costly without any significant guarantee of success.
Have you checked whether your neighbours are complying to the lease on the flat? Most modern flats, or conversions required upper apartments to have adequate impact insulation on the floors. Many won’t allow hard surfaces.

Others are right about neighbours needing to comply with lease terms and nuisance etc.
But, from a mechanical perspective, do you have any cornices or ceiling roses?
How many rooms are affected - and what are their sizes?
Do you know if the ceiling is plasterboard or lathe-&-plaster with timber joists?

I’m in the same situation as you! We have very thin floors between us and the upstairs flat. We hear them stirring their tea in the morning. Every footstep and conversation, TV, radio…
It’s causing so much stress, even though we love our flat I’m afraid we might have to move. The people upstairs own the flat and our landlords aren’t too keen on putting in any soundproofing. I don’t think there is much we can do.
Oh the joys of living in London