I’m looking for a local architect to do our kitchen extension - and recommendations of builders also. Does anyone know any? Thanks
Local Architect for Kitchen Extension needed

Possibly @Satchers may know someone
ETA I know a great builder, though he’s working on @leafandgroove at the moment, when would you need the work doing?

Hi Pauline
Its not until next year but we want to get the plans/costs etc in place for
when we re-mortgage in March. - could you let me know the builder’s details
at all? Once we get the plans down with an architect we can meet up with

There are a few local architects practices that I know.
Tim or Nimi at nimtim.co.uk are local and do a lot of this kind of work in Forest Hill.
There are others in forest hill such as…
And I’ll add others as I think of them!

Hi Sarah
I’ll pm you the number tomorrow as it’s at the shop & it’s my day off today

Try these guys. The Directors all live in the area (I’m not one of them)

Perfect! thanks so much

I had Green Tea Architects look at doing a side return extension for me. We didn’t end up doing it, but they had some good ideas! Think they are Brockley-based.

Hi Sarah, I’ve PM’d you the number

great. thanks alot. Sarah

I am an experienced architect (12 years experience) who lives in Forest Hill. I have recently carried out major works to my own flat on Taymount Rise, this included a dormer loft extension. My website is currently under construction but I would be happy to discuss any potential projects with anyone requiring a local architect.

Thanks - maybe you would be able to pop round and have a look at our
kitchen? Let me know - Friday’s are best for us.

Hi Sarah
I will PM you.

Hi Sarah
Actually I’m not 100% sure I can PM you, but if you send me an email with a bit more info about what you would like done, timeframe etc. on info@seamstudio.co.uk we can hopefully get something organised.

Hi @sara_mk and welcome to the forum. I’ve enabled PMing for you.

Hi Pauline,
We too are looking for a builder can please pm me the builder details that you recommended to another user of the forum. Would be very much appreciated.
Many thanks!

Hi Sara,
We are currently looking for a builder to carry out our renovation works. l have just come across your post and was wondering did you manage to get your work done? Are you able to recommend the builder that you used to carry out your work with their contact details.
Would very much appreciate any help!
Many thanks!

Hi Vilma
I was the architect who worked on Sarah’s extension, please let me know if you need an architect.

Hi there,
Thank you for your speedy response. We are in talks with an Architect should we require your service l will be in contact.
Many thanks!

Hi all,
Looking for recommendations regarding local Architect to help with knock through dining room into kitchen. Possible Dormer conversion, If anyone one can offer their expertise in this area of renovation work would be very much appreciated having not done this before. We are still looking for a builder to carry out the work when we are ready.
Many thanks!