Who would win in a fight?

Catford. Obvs.

Catford. That cat is hard as nails. I bet that tiger is a de-clawed palace pet.

Developers want to take the Catford Cat down. I wouldn’t want to be in that fight.

Okay round two.
Catford Cat versus Horniman Walrus:

Walrus all day

Defo the walrus

Pfft. Walrus.

Walrus. Fat People Rule.

These lizards are over 100 years old. So lizards natch.

I reckon it’s still got to be the walrus - iit would just flatten these guys Big Daddy style

That lizard has a walking stick, no fair!

He needs to be arrested for carrying that weapon - so the walrus just needs to flatten 4 now of the 5 reptiles at CP

I reckon the Walrus would just think, “Sod this for a lark!” and go on a chummy craft beer safari with the Crystal Palace Megatherium, leaving the cats and reptiles to it.

Better than an elephant in the room. Anyways that elephant is due for demolition so might be feeling a bit scrappy.

That is the exact view from my window right now.
Except for the rain. And the little white bubble hut.

I think you may have ‘jumped the shark’:

This is a local fight for local unfeabily large and possible anatomically incorrect animals (and footwear). Thumbs and sharks from Not SE23 can do one (I’m allowing the Elephant because his days are numbered).

I’d back that gang any day

Watch out if you are near Beckenham Place Park, there is a rock-hard squirrel after your nuts!

I’m safe with these guys because I don’t have any nuts

In the terracotta corner - Half-man, Half-lion and joining the kitty pack - it’s the sphinx.

Brilliant response @ThorNogson
I had to look up where the statue is located. The answer is Dacres Road on the edge of a housing estate but even more interestingly it was sold off from the Crystal Palace Great Exhibition (further details).

I’ve walked past that statue on Dacres Road many times and often wondered where it came from, but always forgot by the time I got home to look it up.

I’d quite like it to be returned to Crystal Palace park, but I imagine there’s many who would not agree.

Lucy Horobin, presenter on Heart Radio, and SE23.life fan
Kudos for @Michael for a great topic!

Rather nice to have the opportunity to re-read quite a funny thread.
Do you remember this one?
Perhaps we need a new section in the forum for humour to encourage more of this sort of thing. There is always a tendency to take things too seriously, especially in politics (and those political ‘humour’ threads aren’t welcome in a proper humour section).

Housekeeping: I’ve split the last 3 posts to its own topic: Morninton Crescent… who’s for a game?. Lets the games begin!

A similar fight has broken out over in Kensington. Nasty stuff!