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Cars in Ebsworth Street covered in scratches from foxes

Probably that BBQ sauce I smeared on it last night. Bloody foxes.
Strangely it’s cats that scratch the heck out of mine.

That’ll go well with the chicken carcasses I used.

It’s socially responsible to feed foxes in London - everyone should do it.

20% off! What a bargain:
…Now all I need are some socially responsible locals to lay the bait
*I am only kidding, of course - before any hand-wringers report this a hate crime.

Out of interest the BMW has paw prints all over it as usual, from those God awful little furry things people keep as pets, let s**t in their houses, but then let them out to roam.

You’re alright. Apparently this a limit on the number of reports.

If only we knew who it was who feeds the foxes with chicken shop meals, one could go and have a word with them. I have little doubt that once the consequences of their actions are pointed out, that they would sincerely promise not to do it again !

God awful little furry things people keep as pets, let s**t in their houses, but then let them out to roam.
I’m not a huge fan of rugrats either, but that’s taking things a bit far.

Sorry was meant tongue in cheek. They make great cheap meals for my dogs.

Given that ‘rugrats’ usually refers to babies, I’m not sure where this thread is going…

From my experience foxes tend to rubble my rubbish, I don’t like that & think it causes antisocial rummbeling of peeps rubbish.
Saying that I don’t have a problem with them except when their coats are all scabby, then I think animal welfare groups should be contacted…
Just my opinion