Archived on 6/5/2022

Dates in topic titles

1 Jun '17

Now that is over a year old, I’ve identified a possible problem with dates. As in there is no year indication for posts over a year old. I was just reading something from May 19 thinking it a couple of week’s old. It was over a year.

Is this something to address?

1 Jun '17

I see year dates. Anything older than a month has the month and year, on the threads I’m looking at. So a post from May 2016 would say May '16 beside it. I think, unless I’m reading it wrong…

1 Jun '17

Oh lord. You’re right. I actually saw May '16 and thought that was May 16th. Time for dinner and beer.

1 Jun '17

It’s definitely something I’d like to address.

Some topics are timeless (like the cats, dogs and personal intro topics, for example) - others have very short-term reach.

I have set up the #events and #wanted-offered categories to auto-close topics when their last reply is two months ago. I can do something similar (maybe six months?) for other categories if people think this is a good idea.

Members would still be able to reply to a closed topic, but would need to reply as a new linked topic.

Also worth us all including the year in our date titles so they “archive” more neatly.

1 Jun '17

Well, if my baseless rushed note comes to some good then I’ll be happy. :wink:

1 Jun '17

Once you haven’t seen a date fior a year it’s probably not worth pursuing it anymore :smiley:

2 Jun '17

My head hurts.