Koala found

Much easier to post a picture here @ringingcod
I had thought it was a real koala

So true. But no outing, eh?

What if you find you like it round these parts and are Koalafinder forever?
Anyway, I hope the little dude is reunited with its owner soon.

Love the tech but the boss rubs me up the wrong way, to put it mildly. I’m here for the koala.

That koala looks malevolent.

I got really excited that it might be a real Koala Bear & wanted to adopt it
On a serious note, I’ll try to clone the pic & put a poster in the library when. I open up tomorrow but don’t hold your breath as I’m not IT savvy, though our Volunteers @Michael & @Simon are so they might be able to do this better than me. Though I’ll share it on twitterland

I got really excited that it might be a real Koala Bear
How much can a koala bear? Certainly not being called ursine!

Not sure what you mean @FaeryCatmother

It’s a old pun joke, Pauline, ‘How much can a koala bear?’ with lots of different answers.
In this case, the joke is about the fact they aren’t really bears, although that’s what we call them. Ursine means bear, like canine means dog or feline means cat. It took me a minute to get it!