I’ll leave it at that & hope everyone votes
Election Day Today!

Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 8 June.
You can find your nearest one station using this website:
Vote wisely.

Not your NEAREST polling station, but the one where you are registered to vote. My nearest one is not the one where I vote. Stupid ward boundaries!

Same here. I have 1 just a minute’s walk from the house but will be heading to the one further away instead!

Anyone found not voting should be kicked out of Politicos.

I don’t think you should offer such incentives to people NOT to vote.
I will be helping to STOP people voting this evening when I help close the library as a polling station at 10pm tonight. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

I’m just about to go to the library to VOTE before work - though I definitely didn’t open this morning at 7am

Already voted.

Just a reminder

I wondered about this party on the ballot paper - it looks like we are the only constituency luck enough to be able to vote for this party.

Thought I’d post this link on here for live updates going through the night.

Well I don’t vote