If anyone else has spotted local means of helping the victims of this dreadful tragedy, please share them here.
Donating items to help victims of the Grenfell Tower disaster

Not local but full of links of how to help. There are affected pets too.
And JustGiving

Do be careful if you are giving money rather than donating goods. There are two types of appeal via sites like JustGiving. A ‘Fundraising’ campaign will be for a named charity, and the money goes directly to the charity. Anyone, however, can set up a ‘Crowdfunding’ page and say it is for a certain cause. All the money is paid to the person who set up the page and it is down to them whether or not they actually pass it on to the intended beneficiary. Many of these will be genuine, but it’s a system that opens to scammers.

This is a proper local charity that promises to donate 100% of funds to victims: https://thekandcfoundation.com/donate/

The Evening Standard have also opening their dispossessed fund to donations for the Grenfell Tower victims. Or the Red Cross are always a good bet as they have the infrastructure to deliver immediate disaster relief.

There’s now a petition to try and help prevent this more in the future.

If there are any lawyers in SE23 who are interested in providing pro bono support, please drop me a line.

This is probably a dumb question, but can I ask if you’re a lawyer & looking into this yourself at the moment?
If so I’ll point any local lawyers I know in your direction if they are up for helping.

Not at all. Yes I am a lawyer. I’m speaking to various legal centres as well as co-ordinating with our firm’s pro bono team about volunteering opportunities, so sharing the info with anyone who is interested. Housing experts are obviously in biggest demand, but anyone prepared to donate their services is welcome to get in touch.

Great, thanks. I"ll spread the word