
It’s London. Wait till half term and see if there is a difference. Then you will have your answer.

According to Waze there’s a lane closure up towards Horniman. And Catford… Well… That’s always a mess.

Waze is a great resource for quickly identifying the sources of unusual traffic jams. It’s user edited, a bit like Wikipedia for traffic problems.

Waze is great, it choice or route is sometimes “interesting” but a great resource never the lass.

Yeah, I wouldn’t rely on it for routes in areas I know well, but it’s really useful to know exactly where the problem is.
I see there is a burst water main on London Road now. So perhaps that’s the cause of the closure near the Horniman?

Assume this has to do with the Thames Water works that are reducing Northbound to one lane just past the Horniman on the way into town?

In fairness it has been pretty bad on and off for a week now.
The joys of cycling! lol

Possibly not - if there isn’t any water for a shower when you make it home.

True dat. Just today seemed particularly bad, and now with a reason.

I would rather a 20 min ride with moving air around me and having to towel off and baby wipe off or use a friends shower, than sit in a car for an hour, end up with sweaty regions all the same and still not be able to have a shower lol.
Seems we have reached “that time of year” where everyone schedules roadworks for, limiting relief points even more.

It’s strange - are the Dulwich schools off this week? It’s just that my route through Dulwich Village has been surprisingly quiet this week but the bits around the South Circular (around the Grove) have been much worse than usual. Will take note of Waze - is it London- specific UK wide?

UK wide.

No, I think all the Dulwich schools are open. Half term has been and gone.
Is Devonshire Road being closed at the South Circular a contributing factor? With however many vehicles now no longer able to siphon off into that ratrun…

Dulwich School Person here!
Exams are on so there are no yr 11s or 13s - yr 12 have just come back but it has been like this for a few weeks now.

But it is devoid of neighbourhood values and consideration.
For example, I live in a small town and wish to drive the fastest route to the out-of-town supermarket. Waze sends me via a small lane where I know there is an elderly couple living who love their garden and are often sitting out or gardening, and the road runs along the edge of their garden. I live locally and understand how antisocial it is to disturb the peace of this couple merely for the sake of arriving 30 seconds quicker at the shop. The guys in California who write the Waze algorithms have no interest in this, they write programs to get objects across a grid as fast as possible.

That is very social minded of you but have you thought that your driving past them with a little wave may be a tiny bit of social interaction they crave?
Plus, if you live next to a road I would imagine traffic is part and parcel of, well, a road.

If Waze is sending torrents of traffic - people in a hurry - I don’t think the multiple waves will have the same meaning and value.[quote=“Londondrz, post:17, topic:5027”]
if you live next to a road I would imagine traffic is part and parcel of, well, a road
There is appropriate and inappropriate traffic - HGV driving 2 feet from an Elizabethan cottage on a lane (designed for horse and cart) I would cite as one example of inappropriate traffic.

I doubt Waze is sending any more torrents of traffic past these people than existing sat navs with the capacity to offer alternate routes based on current conditions.

Yes, I expect Google, TomTom etc are equally value-free except the one mission of the fastest route, regardless of other considerations.

I am sorry, I might have you confused for the DevonishForester who wanted to open Manor Mount to two way traffic for convenience sake and posted about it on the other local web site. If you are not them then I apologize.

Or indeed people being guided by a map. If you live on a road, and pretty much all of us do, you should expect traffic and I am not sure why we have to make exceptions for the imagined delicacies of the people that do. I can’t set off on every journey taking into account the endless possibilities of upsetting people who live on the route.
There are rules for roads and traffic and as long as they are obeyed then I can’t see an issue here.

I am questioning the decisions previously take by the council which has clearly benefited some roads and redirected traffic to other roads. I would like to see survey data, transparent criteria for decisions and transparent decision-making processes.
It appears that the records have gone missing, and that the people who have benefited are working hard to make sure things stay that way.

Jolly good too but you haven’t mentioned any of that on this thread…

That sounds like a fairly serious allegation. Are you able to go into more detail on what you mean?