Archived on 6/5/2022

Street Party @ DHC

5 Jun '16

Kudos to my wife (@LiseOfFH) and all the other residents of Derby Hill Crescent who worked so hard to make todays street party a success. Everything from the music (dj’ing & jive jazz), bouncy castle, craft table, sports events, all the lovely homemade food, through to the impromptu water park were all simply amazing!

5 Jun '16

I was invited to this by @MajaHilton husband, sorry I didn’t make it guys with the kids. Hope the gobstoppers served well for the table football contest :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

5 Jun '16

In the end we used a large marble as a football. In our virtual Euro 2016 cup the final was between Luxembourg and Gremany. On this occasion Luxembourg took the title.

5 Jun '16

Looks like all had fun, wish I managed to make it :heart_eyes: