Fyi the current tenants of the railway telegraph leave at the end of june. Very sad to see them go, think the pub should have been busier than it was, but encourage you all to go before they leave! Lovely garden and terrace too.
Railway Telegraph to move into new hands [Summer 2016]

That is VERY sad. Yes, it should have been busier. Must go and chat to Dusan about that.

Ah no! I really like the Telegraph, and have tried to use it for meals out as often as possible ( once or twice a month, usually).

Yes me too, I’ve not popped in for a while & the changes he’s made are amazing!

And he’s super friendly. We had a great birthday party in the upstairs room. Just think its old reputation put people off and only now are people realising its a lovely pub! Hoping to spend a lot of time there to send them off well.

That’s a real shame, the food there is fab and the pub and the staff have always been lovely.
Anyone know who is taking over and what plans they have for the place?
It’s so much better than the Honor Oak pub!

That’s such a shame! They had nice food, healthy portions and a nice atmosphere! Fingers crossed the spirit remains the same under new management

UPDATE: I’ve managed to speak to them and got a bit more of the background.
The profit in running a ‘Public House’ these days is in selling added-value products, such as food, catering, event organisation and high end wines / beers / spirits - hence the development of all these ‘gastro’ options in our local pubs. This is what the current management team had built their business around for the last couple of years, and judging by the comments above and from others who have used it, we all really loved their food and their attitude.
Sadly, they did not own the pub. A brewery does (Shepherd Neame to be precise) and the only thing they are really interested in are beer & wine sales. Apparently we have been too busy enjoying Mrs Beeton’s quality victuals, but not the tonics to accompany them (in large enough quantities). It was not the team’s decision, this has been imposed on them by the landlord.
It is very sad for me personally, and I’m sure for many others, that what this means is that whoever takes over will not be incentivised to offer the quality food, and instead to push volumes of beers.
However, the silver-lining (if there is one in this) is that Dusan is already in the process of opening a restaurant somewhere in Bromley and so will be able to focus on that and to channel his effort, enthusiasm and charm into that new business. I will make it a priority to visit as soon as I can.
I will update you when I find out more about timings for the various openings and closings, but I hear that end June / beginning of July is a likely target so keep an eye out.
I am sure you will all join me in wishing Dusan and his team all the very best. Do pop in to see them and share a drink before it all happens!

Aww. Poop. We just mived in Sunderland Rd 2 1/2 minths ago and enjoy this true local.

thanks for the info @thirstforwine. Was so sad to hear they are leaving… we had my son’s 1st birthday party there and it was lovely. Their Sunday roasts are the best in Forest Hill!