Can someone update the FAQ on how to join/leave the various Politicos groups, for new posters and older members who were manually granted access and appear not to be able to self-remove themselves?
Politicos access

I will get onto this. Local Politicos is same as always, click to join/leave on the Groups page.
General Politicos is now for verified members only, and you can click to request access and either @londondrz or @armadillo will grant it.
If anyone would like to leave General Politicos, drop me a PM and I’ll be on it straight away. Click “Leave Group” on the Groups page to leave General Politicos.
This should get simpler and less manual in future - I have made a proposal to the developers.

Thanks, I’ve re-muted them for now which should be sufficient for my purposes. It also lets me follow threads which are branched off into Politicos, I only joined in the first place because someone made a politically charged and highly contentious statement then moved any refuting replies to a “hidden” area.

It’s now possible to self-remove yourself from #politicos:general-politics , thanks to a recent change made by the developers.