Hi I have a driving licence but haven’t driven for a decade and never in London. I want to take a refresher course. Wondered if anyone could recommend any local driving schools (otherwise I guess I’ll just go through AA or BSM). Thanks
Local driving school recommendations

Not a driving school, but an excellent local instructor. His name is Silvano Bozza, he just taught my daughter to drive and I know he does refresher courses. His number is 07702 615834

I would recommend Keith Webb.
07958 206694
Taught me and many friends back in 90-01, and still teaching and passing people at a fantastic rate.
Friendly, relaxed, and very effective
Has also got my sister through her test, 2 past girlfriends of mine through theirs, a friends wife and many more.

Thanks both, I will give them a call.

There’s an excellent AA instructor lives on Stanstead Road by the Blythe Hill. Taught me - can be found on Facebook as Steve AA, I think.

College Driving school taught my 3 kids to drive. Recommend them, run by David Wellbrook.

Lois - based Westwood Hill: http://www.safemotoring.co.uk/
I had some refresher lessons with her earlier this year and she was really good! Did wonders for my confidence, as well as a much needed refresh of how to park (in the decade since I passed my test I’d driven maybe 5 times…).

Does anybody have more recent recommendations or can confirm the guys above are still teaching/still excellent?

I know some people might be looking for some more recent recommendations, and I’d like to put forward Nick Pauli from Nicholas Driving School. I’m currently having refresher lessons at the moment and I find him friendly, calm and always on the ball. He can be found at www.nicholasdrivingacademy.co.uk or on 07956221706. He teaches in the local area so mostly works in and around Forest Hill, East Dulwich and Beckenham. I’d also like to put in a good word for Silvano Bozza who was unfortunately fully booked, but kindly and pointed me in the direction of the East Dulwich Forum where he told me I might find some other driver instructor recommendations

Can anyone else recommend a local driving instructor? I’ll try the ones mentioned above, but it would be great to have more recent recommendations.
Many thanks in advance.


not to bog this thread at all but just wanted to say, as I’ve just finished my planned lessons with Nick Pauli, (his number & e-mail above) that I really do recommend his services!
It was amazing to feel my confidence grow and he was fully receptive to anything I wanted to practice, including driving on the motorway for the first time. He was easy to contact and fully flexible which was a blessing due to my shift work, and we tended to have 2-3 hour lessons which was really perfect to move from that initial trepidation into really enjoying driving!
Best of luck anyone embarking on any driving lessons!

Hi, if anyone is still looking for an instructor, I would like to recommend Silvano Bozza. He has been an excellent instructor to me. I passed my driving test at my first attempt with only one minor fault! This is down to Silvano’s guidance. Silvano not only prepares you for driving test but also works very very hard to ensure that you become become a good driver for life. He doesn’t let you get away with faults and will strive hard to ensure that you perfect all techniques and manoeuvres.
I highly recommend him. His email id is: silvanobozza1@gmail.com

I haven’t posted a recommendation here before but just wanted to recommend Nick Pauli of Nicholas Driving Academy (http://www.nicholasdrivingacademy.co.uk/). I’m really looking forward to getting back to lessons with Nick next week around Dulwich and Beckenham. I was test ready as lockdown kicked in so hopefully a few refreshers and I’ll be back there again.

Morning all
Do any of these driving schools use a Ford Fiesta?

Hi all,
A recommendation for Nicholas Driving Academy. Having refresher lessons and have really improved with Nick. Covers full range of skills, including motorway driving!

Hi, Does anyone have any more recent recommendations for a driving instructor? Preferably a woman if possible! Thanks in advance

Just completed refresher driving lessons with Nicholas Driving Academy. It took a while for me from my nerves but I’m much better with my confidence driving with Nick. He will assess your goals and build them into your lessons. Managed to complete my goal of a 3hour drive using varying roads comfortably. His number is 07956 221706.

Thank you so much and safe driving for life.

Ive had lessons with Nick, i passed today with ease after two lockdowns Id reccomend him to anybone hes very calm and knows everything about driving.
Thanks I PASSED!!!

I also had lessons with Nick hes brilliant and knows his stuff. Best in south London!

I can also vouch for Nicholas Driving Academy. I’ve just completed refresher driving lessons this month and Nick was calm and reassuring throughout which really helped me to gain confidence.

Just a heads up. If you want a refresher course, lessons are available. If you want to take a test, they are as rare as hen’s teeth. My son took an intensive course back in July and I’m still riding shotgun whilst he awaits his test date. My daughter has an intensive course booked and paid for but they’re not prepared to offer lessons until the test dates are avilable.

Another recommendation for Nicholas Driving Academy! Me and my husband did a refresher course after not driving for 14 years - we basically learnt to pass our tests and then never drove so were really nervous, particularly about driving in London and all the hills in Forest Hill! Nick taught both of us and is really patient. He helped us get our confidence back. He was always on time, responsive and flexible about timing for lessons so it worked really well for us around work e.g lessons in lunch breaks or on Saturdays. Lots of different skills including motorway driving https://nicholas-driving-academy-1.ueniweb.com/

Another recommendation for Nicholas Driving Academy. I recently passed with Nick’s expert tutelage. Had some lessons out Beckenham/Sidcup way for different road experience and test centre routes, rather than just the Dulwich 20mph zone. Really boosted my confidence. Just did a post-pass motorway lesson yesterday - perfect timing as I pick up my first car today https://nicholas-driving-academy-1.ueniweb.com/