Hi. I’ve recently started meditation to help me deal with anxiety and stress. I’ve been using the headspace app on my iPad but I wondered if there was a guided meditation centre in the area? It would be good to meet other people and share experiences and advice.
Meditation in Forest Hill?

Hi Richard, are you using InsightTimer? Haven’t heard of any meditation groups nearby but would also be interested in joining one.

I would be up for running group meditation sessions if we can find a local space, that’s if you’re both still up for it?

I’m interested in this. I have been meditating for 6 years. I often go to the London Buddhist Centre, but it would be nice to have a local meet up. I’d be happy to help organise.

aha … you must know my very old pals Maitreyabhandu, Paramabandhu and the gang then eh … ?
I would be delighted to meet up for a sit. What say ?

Great. Any ideas for a suitable location?

I’d be interested in this too. Maybe we could ask the Signal if we could use the room upstairs?

Hi Yasmin
Good idea. I’ve been looking and there are a couple of suitable spaces to hire in FH too.
How shall we get this going?

I’d be happy to participate. I’ve never really meditated but think it could do me some good. I gather @V22_Louise_House might have space for hire. V22 Louise House is next to the library and Forest Pools. There’s also a pretty cool studio space in Havelock Walk.

I’d be very interested to join too, although I have limited time in the evenings. But pls keep me in the loop.
There is a sahaja yoga group that meets on Friday evenings 6.30 - 7.30 p.m. in Dulwich Library and I used to go to one there on Saturday mornings, that looks as if it might have stopped.

Hi Guys, looking for something similar. Did this happen?

I would really like to know too…very interested?!!

The idea of a local meditation group sounds good The only group I know in this area it’s in Catford.
A good place to run the group is the Quakers Meeting House, 34 Sunderland Road. They have different studios available at a reasonable price. I am teaching yoga in there in case any of you it’s interested to explore with it to improve your mental health. Meditation is one of the 8 pillars of yoga.

Hi All. I have found a suitable venue in Forest Hill and I’m planning on booking in the coming weeks. I will reply back on this post when ready.
I’m planning that sessions will be on a mid week evening either on a weekly or bi-monthly basis.

Hi Paul
I’ve also been a regular at LBC (this last year) and would love to participate in a weekly or bi-monthly meditation group in FH. Thanks for looking into it! Hope it can get off the ground.
Best, Sam

Hi Paul
Did the meditation in forest hill ever get started?

Hi Paul,
Is the group running now? Very interested to join.

Hi, any news on the meditation group? I would be interested in that.

Same here, did it ever happen? Would so appreciate a local meditation group

Hey. I am keen to get this going. I almost secured a venue, but then it fell through.
It would be great if someone would be willing to help - if so, please reply to this post and we can take it from there.

Forest Hill Quakers have rooms that might be good for a meditation space. Sunderland Road.

A yoga instructor also uses this space. On nice warm days they move into the rear garden.

Hi. Has anything come of this? I would love to join a weekly meditation meet up.
Has anyone enquired with the Forest Hill Quakers or Lewis House by the Forest Hill Library?

I’d be interested too!

Just noticed on the Sainsbury’s noticeboard an A4 sheet re Meditation at Dulwich Library on Wednesdays and Saturdays morning. Can’t remember the exact times.

Is there any update on meditation in Forest Hill? Several of us sound keen. best Joseph