Can anyone lend me a rubber dinghy, with paddles? The deep part of the pond at Dacres Wood is covered with duckweed, and it’s not possible to walk round the edge. I have a makeshift rope boom, supported by half empty 500 ml plastic water bottles tied along it at intervals, which helps bring the stuff in, but I need to get out on the water to get at it all.
Rubber dinghy?

Be much more fun to build a Coracle😁

You offering?

Sorry too many projects on the go, but you have my spiritual support for your endeavours.

Spiritual support for making coracles may help in some of the more mystical parts of West Wales, but this is Sarf London, innit!

Thanks John - I’ll email you

Happy for this to be dropped off at the shop for pick up guys

Tim, John has dropped off a rubber dinghy & paddles at my shop for you to pick up and he said you can keep it for future use

I’ve already emailed him to tell him he’s a star. With it we might also now be able to install a raft so that water birds can nest off shore, away from the depredations of foxes and cats, which is something we have discussed in the Friends groups. OTOH, Mr & Mrs Moorhen seems to have found somewhere this year to raise some chicks anyway.
I assume you’d like me to pick it up sooner or later? Is tomorrow morning OK?
Will I need a car?

Tomorrow is fine Tim, I’m opening the library at 9 & my shop at 10 tomorrow, so can do before 10 if it suits as I’ll be around.
Car isn’t needed as it needs to be blown up, hope your lungs are good
The dinghy is packed up in an IKEA bag & fits & the paddles don’t weigh much but maybe awkward to carry.
I could carry both on foot if that helps with you thinking if you need transport, though I don’t think you would need any.
If you are not around tomorrow pick up is fine over the next few days, and really pleased to hear you are able to make lots of use of this
And yes @Anotherjohn is a star for donating this, though he will probably tell me off tomorrow for posting this about him - Sorry Boss, but you are & has to be said

There’s a pump included.

Bloody even better

Great you picked this up today Tim, and can’t believe you managed to fit it all in a rucksack!
Looking forward to what you’ll do with this at Dacres Woods soon

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