Archived on 6/5/2022

After 20 years of living here…I’m still discovering new ‘green’ walks!

5 Jul '17

BORED. Finished another contract…out of work again…bored. Hey presto! I research and discover even more places around me to walk in that I never knew existed…despite living here over 20 years!. I thought I’d combed far and wide for greenery to explore, but last week, I meandered for the first time through Brenchley Gardens and after that into a really peaceful, cute, historic housing estate classified ‘SE15’! Such gorgeous cottages, so full of history and love and attention. But oh - I saw a beautiful corner property on Athenlay Rd for sale with KFH that had been raped within an inch of it’s life from within of all of it’s original features - utter and complete YUCK. OK - (please …I beg you forum, don’t shout me down) but I hate the latest fad of gutting old properties of all their original features and just keeping the outside facade…if you want a new build look - BUY a new build!..why buy a vintage… just to totally destroy and sterilise it’s insides by ripping out every vestige of it’s original interiors and making it look like every other TV makeover in the name of ‘modernity’? Eclectic my a**e.

Anyway…back to the point I’m trying to make about all things lovely that don’t upset me…all the greenery and walks around us. Soooo, after Brenchley gardens I discovered the Aquatic Golf Course built over the reservoir - MASSIVE!, then the woods in One Tree Hill with views over the whole of London and humongous amounts of history attached. Wonderous.

So today, I’ve just discovered another place to meander. A river walk. It starts at the Thames - Deptford Creek…then turns into the Ravensbourne river, then joins just after Catford with the river Pool. I walked on and on…but finally pulled out at Sydenham (just to go and re-trace my steps to find my car…but I could have gone on for miles!). I love South East London! (although I’d love to find a friend who works in LBB, so that they can forward a little message onto the refuse dept…the bins on the walk were over flowing!) - however, on a positive note, good on the walkers/patrons for bringing their rubbish to the bins [despite being full] and not scattering it willy-nilly).