‘Ludicrous’ and ’embarrassing’ planning expertise: a Lewisham councillor’s view

Thanks for sharing that
“I do understand that seeing the borough changing as we accommodate London’s growing population is frustrating for some but if London is to deliver the 50,000 new homes each year far from reining in the Planners we need to give them the green light to use their skills and imagination to work along with their colleagues to find ways to build more not less – even in a borough as crowded as Lewisham.”

I have had a letter through my door about a proposed new development of four one-bedroom flats on a tiny parcel of land at the corner of Stanstead Rd / Rojack Rd. The official council consultation process hasn’t begun yet but, having had no experience of these, I assume they are a formality where, unless you can find a legal reason to prevent the council proceeding with the development, they will just push ahead?
The area on which I suspect they are building acts as a nice little “village green” providing a little bit of open space for residents in the Rockbourne Rd triangle area - it’s utterly ridiculous to me that they think they can build four new homes on such a tiny space with the resultant increase in parking demand etc.

When you have a chance to submit a response to the consultation you will need to find grounds for why the development is unacceptable in ‘planning’ terms. Useful guide below about what you can and cannot take into account when objecting.

Thanks that’s the one. I wasn’t aware of the thread and consequently because of the Council’s obviously underhand way of advertising the scheme, the first I heard about it was a letter through the door yesterday from the developer (who incidentally invited me to a meeting between 3-6pm in The Signal pub on a Thursday?! Which rules out anyone who has a job from attending?!).

I live a couple of doors down and not seen or had anything in the post regarding this development.