This is FREE & fun for all the local kids, and a great way to encourage them to read books with lots of free goodies too
Summer Reading Challenge at FH Library

I’ve already promised to bring my boy down next weekend to sign up
Whoever is on duty, I can only apologise now for an over excited 5yr old who will do practically anything (even the washing up) if theres a sticker involved

He’s a lovely lad, please bring him in to tell me about his stickers

“it was 52 by the end of Sunday. We were in the lead ” That’s for Lewisham Libraries.
So FH Library are in the lead with the most signed up for the #SummerReadingChallenge this year.
I would be so so happy if we could hit the biggest target in our first year as a community library.
Can you help us make this a first for a community library - Come on Forest Hill let’s do this
Sign your kids up now!

I signed up number 97 this evening. The children are loving the challenge, the stickers, the rewards, and even the books
And we are still getting more volunteers helping out, but we still need more volunteers for the odd morning/afternoon/evening, especially during the summer holidays - when so many people are away. So if you can spare a few hours a week, please pop into the library and join the team that are making this community library a success.

The kids are sure loving the stinky scratch & sniff stickers
Volunteers can apply here
You’d be crazy not to get involved & help with this fun challenge for the local kids if you have the time to volunteer over the Summer Hols ️:books:
Fun, free, & fab

Just popped into the library to do some printing after work & signed up number 134 for the Reading Challenge & also gave rewards to a kid from Eliot Bank School for reading book number 4 ️

195 kids signed up by the end of today
Thanks for the swift update from our assistant library manager @Bruceshire
ETA That was from 164 at the end of yesterday ️

A Big Thank You to Volunteers Michelle, Cara and Katherine for being so great with the kids this weekend!
I even signed a few up myself this afternoon. The kids are loving it. It’s gonna be a busy first week of school holidays at the Library.

Absolutely brilliant @Michael & @Bruceshire so so proud of our #forestHill #SE23 kids signing up ️
400 by Friday I think
Looking forward to number checks when I open Saturday & Sunday
Just a reminder extra volunteers are needed over the Summer Hols.
Contact us on or reply or PM here

It was really busy this afternoon with new members signing up, children getting rewards for reading books, and choosing new books from quite a good selection of fiction and non-fiction.
All the volunteers did a fantastic job.
And i still had time to meet the owner of the house my best friend lived in until 1997. I have often wondered who lived there now - and now i know.
You can meet your neighbours and your children’s friends too by becoming a library volunteer!

We ended today at 7.30pm on 274 Kids registered for Summer Reading Challenge. Looking forward to another busy day tomorrow and meeting more of the kids who are so enthusiastic about the written word.

So proud, brilliant work Stephan & all our volunteers
If anyone wants to join our merry gang of volunteers you can do here
When I tell the local kids about the rewards they get for reading books for #SummerReadingChallenge they get a bit enthusiastic
Here’s the real kids

Wow. Well done.

We reached 324 Kids signed up before I closed this evening and quite a few coming in to claim their 2nd, 3rd & 4th Rewards! They really are Story Hungry!
Also, Leah called me out of the blue to say she was coming in to do Baby Bounce after I’d posted on Twitter that it had been cancelled. We had a record 13 babies in this afternoon. She also stayed til 6 to sign up more kids and and listen to talking about their returned books. I think I might cancel it again!
I just want to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all the Volunteers who are getting stuck in and enjoying helping the kids with the Summer Reading Challenge. Well Done Guys!!

Well done you too!
Massive thanks Stephan ️:books:

Mekhyla has just let me know that the figure is 360.
I expected it to slow down a bit, since some of the kids will already be on holiday. We might get another rush during the next couple of weeks.
Steve xx

I think so, D Rd was very quiet today - almost like a ghost town!
Think it will be more busy during week days :over the next couple of weeks
Stop doing library work & enjoy your week off ️:sunglasses:
️ Xx

I’m trying to! Recovering from the drive up here yesterday.
I just want to BIG UP @Europcar_UK in Lewisham for a moment. I was expecting a Vauxhall Corsa, but the vehicle that turned up was more than a surprise.
Lazy day here in Skegness. Sunshine and Rain on and off all day. Tomorrow, off to the beach, ice cream (not as good as yours though @Pauline), roller coaster, carousel & donkey rides. And that’s just me!
You’ll probably not hear from me for the rest of the week except on my own Twitter account.
Catch Ya Later Guys! xx

Have fun, you certainly deserve it & hope not to hear from you xx
Hope you & the family have a fab holibreak
Meanwhile if anyone wants to join our merry gang of library volunteers you can do here of pop into the library or my shop & fill out a form the old fashioned way

I’ll be making a collage with #SummerReadingChallenge pics either myself @Simon & @Bruceshire have taken (that we have permission from parents & kids to use) to be displayed in the kids library at the end of the challenge to show their achievements and enthusiasm at various stages & to let them all know we are all so proud of all of them for taking part regardless If they read 1 or 6 books.
So if your kid is not signed up already but would like to be in the collage they still can be until mid September.
I’m really proud of all the local kids taking part, they are quire amazing

415 yesterday morning, just saying