Archived on 6/5/2022

Welcoming @armadillo (Simon) to the moderation team
15 Jul '17

Happy to announce @armadillo (Simon) has agreed to join the moderation team.

Simon has been a popular and respected contributor since he joined at the beginning of this forum, back in May 2016.

@armadillo and @Londondrz will now be modding the Politicos section (@anon5422159 is stepping down from moderating this category in the interests of his, and everyone else’s, blood pressure) :grinning:

New mods come onboard for an initial couple of months to check it balances with their other commitments. Thanks, Simon, for agreeing to help our community.

15 Jul '17

Thanks Chris! I’m not quite sure what I’ve let meyself in for here, but I’ll do my best to try to keep things fair and equitable amongst the dragons of Politicos.

You may need to bare with me as I get my head around a ‘straw man argument’ and the other vernacular specific to the category, but I’ll aim to try to help keep the sometime vigorous debate on course with only the lightest of touches, and only as and when strictly needed.

PS. When do I get access to that cool golden halo? :wink:

15 Jul '17

First you must earn your halo, young one.