This appeal video is brilliantly made!
Help Fairlawn renew its ICT suite

Fabulous video. I’m just not totally comfortable with the need for parents (and friends) to have to pay for essential equipment.

To be fair to Fairlawn’s existing provision - it’s impressive that the school has provided iMacs, laptops and BBC Micro-bits, and such enthusiastic and forward-looking teachers (evident in the video).
But if they can get some cutting-edge computers as a result of this campaign, that’d be great for the kids.
At my primary school (until 1992) we had two BBC Micros shared between the whole school
It’s great to see that things have changed so much in the last few years, and for computers to be considered “essential equipment” in primary schools is something I dreamed of as a child.

In high school in 1986 we had four Commodore Pets with tape spools for memory. I became a dab hand at Basic language.
10 Print “starman”
20 Go to 10

Unfortunately that’s the way things are now - PTAs used to fund the icing on the cake for schools, now they’re increasingly being asked to fund the cake itself and that means everything from stationery to computers. If parents and friends don’t pay for essential equipment, who will? Good on Fairlawn’s PTA for taking the initiative to make such a fantastic video for a fantastic cause. Good luck to them!

I enjoyed donating to the girls primary schools. It was only boxes of pencils and a couple of keyboards but it made me feel involved.

I think it’s brilliant!
Both my kids went to Fairlawn & the PTA has always been very strong as they work closely with the School itself rather than being separate entities
They’ve hit 1% already
ETA 2% already! And I remember using these computers to print School pics off (that were appropriate) to decorate the hall with for my daughters year 6 leaving party I organised for them that year & she’s 19 now!

Thank you for sharing this for Fairlawn PTA.
It is a HUGE ask! Any donation will be truly appreciated to help upgrade the children’s ICT suite.
Luckily we are a very active PTA and have immense support from parents and local businesses every year.
But this fundraiser definitely needs outside help!!
The funds we usually raise each year gets very well spent giving children of Fairlawn whole school educational experiences and improving the school environment for the children.
To name but a few we have bought whole school numicon, regenerated and improved outdoor learning/playing space at rear and front of school. Provide workshops for all the children to get involved with i.e dance, mini beasts, music, pantomines, science, art etc. We give each teacher an amount of money each year to help their individual classes buy resources to extend their classes learning experiences etc. These are all things we usually fund and use the money we’ve normally raised to do so.
So if we put all funds we raise into the ICT we won’t be able to give what originally was meant to be “icing on the cake” & the bases of the PTA, for a few years.
My son has this year finished Fairlawn & I was lucky enough to be the PTA chair for a year and a half. It was a totally wonderful, busy experience to work with helpful & dedicated parents, carers & staff.
Please please if you can even if it’s £1 you will be helping the PTA get to £33,000 target.
Details Twitter @fairlawnpta help me spread the word.
Kind regards